Edited on Tue Mar-13-07 10:23 PM by texastoast
Has anyone ever listened to Dave Ramsey? I know he has that "Christian" perspective as to what financial strain and debt do to "Christian" marriages and all, but has anyone ever listened to what he has to say substantively? I mean, the guy has a plan than works toward being debt-free, credit-worthy, and immune from credit card enslavement. One of his taglines is "Act Your Wage." And the behaviors he recommends have nothing to do with instant gratification promoted by our big corporate banks, credit card companies, or car dealers. But they do have to do with taking a second job, cooking your own food, buying a car you can really afford, and increasing your savings. And he has a lot to say about how the $5.00/day Starbucks crowd "can't" save any money. Dave has a talk show on some AM stations around the country and does a few seminars (reasonably priced).
You know, there are a lot of legitimate reasons when we really need to have some credit for unforeseen emergencies. I think that credit should be reserved for those times. I have a bit of a problem with people who go into debt for fast cars, jet skis, big homes, and damned fine vacations, only to have a real emergency come up and subsequently dive into financial default. While I agree that banks "lure" clueless folks (those who don't read and/or understand the credit card agreement they are signing when they send off for the 0% intro rate) with marketing ploys (starting with your ten-year-old), I do believe that we need to "just say no" to them and to the little kids inside our heads "who want it and want it NOW."
Now, of course, this is my generalized perception of an American culture phenomenon. It doesn't necessarily apply to you, but I know a boatload of folks it applies to.