Oh-- what's that you say? One "football" of missing contractor cash will only cover 10 seconds of Bushco's War of Choice? Oh-- we're sorry.
Us "liberal idiots" are still trying to comprehend how throwing more money at an illegal war that benefits mainly the profiteers with connections to those in charge of the war is a good idea........ and how the money already "in the pipeline" isn't adequate to bring troops home safely; to bring them home safely from the threats caused by inadequte food, water, supplies, armor, protection and infrastructure -- that was supposedly to be supplied by the same profiteers with connections to those in charge, with those same missing billions.
Us "liberal idiots" would like to know how we were able to figure out -- ahead of time, four years ago -- that the slick sales pitch for preemptive war on Iraq was just that and nothing more... nothing more legitimate than a snake oil sideshow. We'd like to know how we were able to figure that out and march in the streets against Bushco's war all over the planet and somehow that truth escaped our representatives in Congress who allegedly had more information than we did.
Us "liberal idiots" would like to know how refusing to defund the war, by arguing that passing a resolution that makes the war illegal makes the defunding unecessary --when the war was illegal in the first place --is anything more than Congressional face-saving.
Us "liberal idiots" would like to know why we are expected to believe, as reported, that:
"Democrats are afraid to be accused of not 'Supporting the Troops' " if they don't approve Bushco's "Surge"..... afraid of Darth Cheney saying that the Democrats favor the (despicable term) "slow bleed" approach..................
We're supposed to believe they are so afraid they cannot turn around and say NO! Where are those missing billions!? Where is the troop support, material and infrastructure? Where? HOW CAN HALLIBURTON SPOKESPEOPLE IN THIS ADMINISTRATION ACCUSE DEMOCRATS OF NOT SUPPORTING THE TROOPS!!!!
Because all these dots do not add up. And us "idiot liberals" don't understand.
What the American people understand is that a government that "doesn't believe in government" IS INCAPABLE OF GOVERNING.
What the American people understand is that a privatized consortium of interests that take over public institutions and fail to serve (Ground Zero, Hurricane Katrina, War on Iraq, Failure to serve Veterans, etc.) the public interest, have no other actual interest than their OWN bottom line.
"Money Trumps Peace."