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Latest Lines (Odds) on State Races

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HCE SuiGeneris Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Sep-24-08 03:45 AM
Original message
Latest Lines (Odds) on State Races
The figures shown are what it would take to win $100. So, if we were to bet on Colorado, it would take $135 to win $100 if you bet on the favored Democrats (and we win), or, it would take a bet of $100 to win $105 should the pukes take the state.

So with that preface, here are the latest official odds...

State Betting - Which party will win the popular vote in the named state at the 2008 US presidential election
11/4/08 100 State Betting

Colorado - Which party will win the popular vote in the named state at the 2008 US presidential election
11/4/08 110 Republican
12:00 ET Democrat

Florida - Which party will win the popular vote in the named state at the 2008 US presidential election
11/4/08 120 Republican
12:00 ET Democrat

Indiana - Which party will win the popular vote in the named state at the 2008 US presidential election
11/4/08 130 Republican
12:00 ET Democrat

Iowa - Which party will win the popular vote in the named state at the 2008 US presidential election
11/4/08 140 Republican
12:00 ET Democrat

Michigan - Which party will win the popular vote in the named state at the 2008 US presidential election
11/4/08 150 Republican
12:00 ET Democrat

North Dakota - Which party will win the popular vote in the named state at the 2008 US presidential election
11/4/08 160 Republican
12:00 ET Democrat

New Mexico - Which party will win the popular vote in the named state at the 2008 US presidential election
11/4/08 170 Republican
12:00 ET Democrat

New Hampshire - Which party will win the popular vote in the named state at the 2008 US presidential election
11/4/08 180 Republican
12:00 ET Democrat

Nevada - Which party will win the popular vote in the named state at the 2008 US presidential election
11/4/08 190 Republican
12:00 ET Democrat

Ohio - Which party will win the popular vote in the named state at the 2008 US presidential election
11/4/08 200 Republican
12:00 ET Democrat

Pennsylvania - Which party will win the popular vote in the named state at the 2008 US presidential election
11/4/08 210 Republican
12:00 ET Democrat

Virginia - Which party will win the popular vote in the named state at the 2008 US presidential election
11/4/08 220 Republican
12:00 ET Democrat
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