I think this will happen right after we send a man on a rocket ship to Mars.
I heard the quote, and others on NPR morning edition. What dosnt translate in the transcript is how totally out of it Bush sounded.
http://www.state.gov/p/wha/rls/rm/07/q1/81656.htmThis weeks GW Bush quote, from his trip to Guatemala. He refers to Guatemala President Oscar Berger.
"We also want to expand access to health care. Today, as the President mentioned, we went to Santa Cruz Balanyá -- it was a really interesting moment. The American people would have been incredibly proud of watching our military folks dispense with basic health care needs to people who needed help. And the people of Guatemala would be especially proud to have seen your military working side-by-side with our troops to do the same thing. There's a great mission of compassion. And it's making a difference to people's lives.
Imagine not being able to see, and then all of a sudden somebody appears in your life, gives you an eye test and fits you for glasses so you can see better. Or you have a perpetual tooth ache and somebody shows up, in this case in military uniforms, and says, how can I help? It is in the interest of the United States to continue these kinds of missions, Mr. President.