The document that shows the character of Bush's service the best is his discharge, which is as it should be. A discharge should reflect the character of a person's service.
If thats the case, Bush'a discharge shows he was stripped of all his medals and qualifications and only finished 5 years, 4 months and 5 days of his service.
"...Qualifications: NONE..." Thats THEIR capitals, not mine. They really wanted it to be evident that Bush wwas completely unqualified to do ANYTHING when he left the military. But Bush is listed as an F102 pilot--thats a huge anomaly right there because it specificallly states that he was not qualified to do the job he is listed as having. Whats up with that? that CAN'T be so. Why hasn't Palast or anyone else ever asked why Bush was DIS qualified from doing anything in the military? they pretend thats normal--its NOT!! I am an honrably discharged veteran and my dd214 shows 6 qualifications--and I was just an E4. certainly I was qualified to do my job--Bush was not. No other veteran Ive ever asked--dozens!--say this is a normal discharge or that they didn't have any qualifications when discharged.
This discharge shows very well what Bush's superiors were doing: keeping him listed as a pilot--and PAID as a pilot for 14 months after he was suspnded from flying. This, by the way, is what theyre hiding: the fact that Bush signed paychecks for work that he didn't do--COULDN'T have done because he was suspended from doing it. Embezzlement, fraud, dereliction of duty and many other crimes. But from one end of Bush's paperwork to the next, he's ONLY listed as a plot. If he was paid for something else, he was entirely unqualified to do it, and there is no record of it. They falsely kept him leisted and paid as a pilot when they should have disciplined him .
Furthermore, Bush has no medals listed whatsoever--very strange for someone who was supposedly the pride of the TXANG. TAFCS and TAFMS are not medals, they stand for, respectively, Total Accumulated Federal Civilian/Military Service. These are totals of training days, there should be a colon and a number after then indicating time in category--there is NONE (that pesky word again)
they don't even list the meager crop of medals Bush did get--the NDSM for 6 months active duty and a pistol qualification badge. They evidently stripped him of his medals as well as his qualifications.
"...Officer has a six year obligation and has completed 5 years 4 months and 5 days..." Does anyone think that means Bush finished his commitment?? Not unless you think that finishing 5 years 4 months and 5 days of a 6 year commitment means finishing a 6 years commitment.
After being stripped of his medals and qualificatioss, no wonder Bushnevrr showed up to ssign it--something else unheard of by any veteran. Thats what his discharge shows.
Furthermore, there's evidence of further falsification: see how the lines in the remarks box run completely sifferent from the rest of the page?. See the extra characters and the whiteout marks? This has been whited out and rewritten.
Again, they accuse Rather of doing something they did themselves.
The greatest fraud ever put over on the American people is Bush's "honorable" service. It clearly was not, according to this discharge. Palast and other should look at all the fraud plainly visible in Bush's records, starting with this discharge.