BS compared to what is really going on in the world. Like that old saying, "Stay close to your friends but closer to your enemies." I look at them as the enemy of the normal, everyday, American Citizen striving to work hard to improve their lives and those of their families and trying not to live week to week.
I keep notes and recordings on some of the dumbest comments and ignorant ideas. The best ones are off Washington Journal when a Conservative calls in. It's always Clinton. They cannot get past anything. It is sickening to hear those support this administration and everything they do. I am amazed at the blinders some of these people keep on. They get their news from the OxyContin Limpballs and then parrot the same exact words the next day. This man claims to be a journalist that the "Liberal" media takes notes from. We all know he is full of S***; however, a lot of the older, lifelong Republicans get on Washington Journal and condemn Democrats for everything. Global warming is preached to them as a religion to Liberals. They claim we are for viable,healthy infants to be partial birth abortions (lies of course), but those that listen to this garbage coming out of his mouth believe it. They love Ann Coulter and Sean Hannity is their hero. These people have got to be stopped someway, somehow. I listen to Falwell on Sunday mornings. He use to be live on Sunday mornings; however, he was becoming too political behind his pulpit and I think his son, who will replace his father when and if he ever retires), has the show recorded and edited. It's very obvious where and when it is edited. Falwell, before the election of 2004, was going nutso. I wish I had saved the recordings on disc instead of my old laptop that had a battery meltdown. I had so many comments from this man's mouth I could have written a book on just his hate. I've learned my lesson since then.
I still listen to Randi everyday as well. Now as for Sean Hannity . . . I digress.