There can't be a bailout, there simply can't, we don't have the money. We're not talking billions, tens of billions or even hundreds of billions here, we're talking in the trillions if this thing really goes. For not only will this bring down the sub-prime lenders, but also the major banking institutions like Chase, Citibank, etc. This is where the sub primes get their money. And if it starts eating into the major banks, we'll watch our entire consumer credit sector collapse right along with it. We could very well be looking at an economic disaster that would make the Great Depression look like the Roaring Twenties.
This is the result of the lack of real economic corrections for the past fifteen years. Yeah, yeah, we had that little recession in '00, but really that was nothing. Greenspan, in order to forestall the worst effects of that, simply shifted the tech bubble over into a housing bubble by his continous dropping of interest rates. Thus an overheated, overinflated bubble continued to grow, and now it is going to go POP in a very, very ugly way.
The US simply doesn't have the money, being in massive debt ourselves, to forestall this or bail anybody out. If an economic firewall is built around the consumer credit sector, we might come out OK. But if not, we're all going to be hurting.
And while there are some folks who got into this predicament through no fault of their own, the vast majority who are hurting now brought this on themselves. I'm sorry, but if you are going to a sub prime lender, not putting a downpayment down, taking out an ARM, you're just asking for trouble. If you can't qualify for a good old fashioned five percent down, fixed rate mortage, then the odds are good that buying a house at this point in your life is not a good idea.
And part of this foolishness comes about due to Americans seemingly insatiable need for instant gratification. Rather than buying a starter house, putting the work and investment into it in order to realize a profit and move up to a bigger house, these people want the McMansion out in the gated community now, and are willing to do any stupid thing to get it. Even sadder is that their stupidity is going to hurt all of us, including those of us who chose wisely, did the right things, and didn't contribute to the problem.