Yoo Hoo. . .
Reality check. . .
At this point, the state of our once precious union can truly be construed as qualifying as a nothing less than a Constitutional crisis.
For so-o-o many years we've collectively endured a potentially mind numbingly blinding onslaught of. . .another day, another gross assault to our former basic rights and treasured civil liberties.
If there's one thing this "misleadership" has, it is an intrepid FOCUS on their message, however riddled with falsity and acute misrepresentations it generally is.
Progressives are notoriously all over the map with a vast array of good and noble intentions, goals, and priorities. Yet the adage of "herding cats" is more than not, all too applicable.
So though election reform has been a primary focus for years, and though public awareness of the insecurity of the machines has certainly heightened, the majority of folks are still clueless about this all important issue that is the cornerstone of our very democracy which is so-o-o critically essential to having representative leadership that is in no way pathetically of the corporations, for the corporations, and by the corporations.
As JG funnily posted in the lounge on his "romance thread" "Corporations aren't about LOVE."
Yet the primary issue upon which the vast majority of Americans now agree is the impossibility of our not so excellent Iraqi adventure.
Pacifism aside, the likelihood of winning a war based on lies is not only immoral but also exponentially remote as long as that war remains profitable to elitist that own mega-monopolies that profit from war.
So consider setting the "wayyy back" to the IWR (10/02) which is what enabled this unfortunate debacle to transpire in the "flopping" first place.
Some high powered Dems are so often derided for having voted for the IWR. When the idiotic media says, "well they voted for the war. . ." THEY DID NOT.
The specific wording of that resolution was something to the effect of "the Congress authorized the pRes to use force ONLY after gaining UN approval."
Yet, the UN NEVER approved of it. The inspectors were let back in.
Hussein's massive killing days were long over and were mostly conducted when Rummy and the gang were supplying him with $$$, WMD's, and arms. (Yeah, with the glaring exception of the slaughters committed during the Shia uprising that poppy so irresponsibly encouraged in '91.)
But still, Hussein, though unquestionably a tyrant, was purportedly writing romance novels and if memory serves, had written an opera by the time of our ghastly invasion. Go figure. There's no threat more grave than the threat of Weapons of Massively Bad and Tacky Drama. ya know? For this over a million deaths.
Congress essentially was fed bogus intelligence (aka sheer stupidity) from Chalabi (an extortionist) and "Curveball" (huh? that name sounds totally credible/not) and then coerced into deferring to the wisdom of the international community due to the then pending midterms of '02 and with the onus looming of unfairly being tainted as being "weak on terror" or "unpatriotic."
Of course they never should have fallen for it.
I still foolishly think that if the IWR could only be retroactively repealed based on the pres's insensitively idiotic disregard for it's basic and fully ignored stipulation of "with UN Approval," then the massive hemorrhaging of blood and treasure could finally be stopped, That violation alone qualifies as treason to say nothing of the plethora of criminality and thievery that's transpired since then.
Our executive branch of government is comprised of unenlightened and unconscious individuals who don't even qualify as even remotely humane. They misguidedly really think they are above laws long established. They've reigned like a bunch of thugs with presumed impunity.
They've simply no clue about Universal Law and no regard for International law whatsoever.
The new Congress & Senate speak of conducting "investigations" prior to any discussion of impeachment. If you don't think those investigations will be stonewalled as sluggishly as is possible, just consider the nearly 4 grueling years that have passed since Ms. Plame's cover was blown and the multiple ruses and obfuscations of the 9/11 commission.
As far as I'm concerned, impeachment will simply take way too long. * is paid to serve and protect we, the people and our Constitutional rights and has done quite the contrary, and everything but.
A Constitutional crisis is defined as the breakdown of the three branches of government. Well how many blocked investigations and mountains of vetos will it take before our representatives recognize that as of 12/00 we experienced more than a touch of a coup. . .?
With both the invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq, * violated the parameters clearly set forth by the legislative branch of government. He summarily ignored that caveat and behaved like a bully aggressively playing "Risk" ever since, with utterly disastrous results.
Waiting for and arguing over impeachment will be akin to "Waiting for Godot" and before you know it, it'll be late '08.
If only the pRes (Pinky) & his vice (the Brain) would just resign post haste. Their game of global domination is not only heinously tiresome, it's entirely illegal. Their "vendetta on failure" (aka surge) is just plain nutz.
Blatant fraudulance and fascism has never been remedied by graciousness alone.
Please consider the possibility of an overwhelming movement to relentlessly demand nothing less than their resignations ASAP. Perhaps we can FOCUS on that, first and foremost.
Game OVER george.
Have a nice day
I had a peculiarly funny thought a week ago on Monday "Ooga, Booga, Smooga, Wooga" = OBSW = Oh Bull Shit W
http://www.democraticunderground.com/discuss/duboard.php?az=show_topic&forum=364&topic_id=2589421http://www.cafepress.com/helderheid/2380944 ahhh profits go to progressive causes