,2845,MCA_25340_5418419,00.html Fox made it official Wednesday, announcing the former Memphis congressman is under contract to provide political commentary and analysis.
"We are very happy that Harold Ford Jr. will bring his independent voice and brilliant ability to analyze the issues to Fox News," said Fox News CEO Roger Ailes. "His wealth of experience and insight will be key to FOX as we endeavor to stay on top of fast moving events around the world and here in our own country.
"The upcoming Presidential campaign will be one of the most interesting in our lifetime and Harold's depth of knowledge and analysis about American politics will enhance the news we deliver to our viewers."
The move to the conservative network run by News Corp. media mogul Rupert Murdoch was no surprise to Washington cognoscenti, who have read speculation about the move for weeks. Well before the November election, The Commercial Appeal noted News Corp.'s support for Ford's Senate bid. At least 18 senior News Corp. or Fox executives, including Murdoch, were contributors to his campaign.