I'm sick and tired of hearing the right wing toss out repeatedly that "the Democrats voted for the war in Iraq too..."
While this may be true, it's misleading. It's my understanding that the Authorization to Use Military Force wasn't in and of itself the thing that led to the war; it simply gave pResident Bush the ability to initiate war if he decided that was something that must be done. So, ultimately, the responsibility for the war falls back on Bush and the GOP.
And the fact is, Congress was LIED TO by Bush and his administration. They voted based on the information they had at the time, which should have been accurate, dependable, and from a source deemed trustworthy. We now know that this was not the case.
I think the Democrats need to insert this into EVERY discussion regarding the war, ending it, funding it, surging the troops, etc. It's important to continue to point out that this was not a war that HAD to be fought. The was no clear and present danger from Iraq. No WMDs. No aiding and abetting of terrorists.
The war in Iraq was based on lies from the Bush Administration, and as such every day our troops are over there is another day they are there based on lies.
Why is it that Bush/Cheney aren't being impeached again?