"I like you. I like you. You are real -- you're the real deal."
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Thu Mar-15-07 12:45 PM
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"I like you. I like you. You are real -- you're the real deal." |
I wonder if Joe Biden still feels this warmly about Georgie's tejano now...
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Thu Mar-15-07 12:55 PM
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not to be snippy but aren't republicans pimps we are the whores or some of us are or admit to it
really not trying to be offensive
(755 posts)
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Thu Mar-15-07 01:09 PM
Response to Reply #1 |
2. Lol... you know what Jak? |
I like you. You're the real deal...
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Thu Mar-15-07 01:12 PM
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4. Tee hee! Good comeback. ....n/t |
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Thu Mar-15-07 01:45 PM
Response to Reply #2 |
Some republicans are pimps the rest are whores for sure the pimps I can understand those whores are hard for me to deal with
U 2 I guess.
glad U laft
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Thu Mar-15-07 01:10 PM
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whatever MBNA wants him to think
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 05:44 AM
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