Edited on Thu Mar-15-07 04:49 PM by UTUSN
They are extreme activists of their home group, standing up for their own identity and rights, which is FINE.
They are SCORCHED EARTH-ists. They demand that anybody be totally FOR them or will be consigned to VICIOUS FLAMES.
They are empowered beyond their capacity to handle empowerment. They ignore that everybody at DU except for a relatively small number of disrupters are part of the Democratic coalition---the sometimes LOOSELY allied DIFFERENT groups--each of which has its own #1 agenda item, and whose unity probably shows up down the agendas at around #s 3, 4, and below. For example, strong union members are anti-NAFTA, while there are STRONG Democratic Party members, usually living in the border regions, who are pro-NAFTA, but all can be united about correcting human rights provisions of NAFTA.
First, they attack like bees in swarms. They MOCK and RIDICULE and personally attack. They create a facade of "debate" and "facts"--demanding LINKS for things that are mostly OPINIONS. They post furiously, demanding immediate acquience to their various flames. They claim that any attempt to call a halt is "running away." They call silence, "drive by" and "troll".
Oh, if you Google to provide them with the links they claim to want, it doesn't matter what source you provide: They will call it a wingnut, DLC, freep, mouthpiece. Yes, it doesn't matter that you took the first link in Google. Yes, to one of the groups here, the Associated Press is a wingnut mouthpiece.
As for flamebait threads, a sure sign is that the poster claims to want a discussion or an answer to a contentious question or premise, but they NEVER accept an answer. They never accept multiple posts conclusively discrediting the opening argument and keep rehashing their "sincere" desire for discussion.
As for the o.p.'s #4 about taking a retreat to the Lounge---HAH!!1 The vipers can nest ANYWHERE!!1 I agree with the posters who have said that "ugliness is part of the human condition." It's the same when some of our idealists here reprimand us about "not being like freepers": Human nature includes the nasty side. We are not "better".