Thank Kucinich for His Remarks Today on Iran and Impeachment
When a Congress Member steps out into a firestorm of opposition from the corporate media and his own party's leadership, he has to hear support from us to keep him going.
Please call Rep. Dennis Kucinich at 202-225-5871 and Email him at and thank him for his remarks today on the floor of the House, in which he stood up for Congress' war powers and stated impeachment may be the only way to prevent President Bush from attacking Iran. If you really want to encourage Dennis to move ahead on impeachment, one idea is to go to and donate to his presidential campaign. Try giving $15 because this is March 15th and indicating that impeachment is the reason why.
Remarks on the floor of the U.S. House, March 15, 2007
"This House cannot avoid its Constitutionally authorized responsibility to restrain the abuse of Executive power.
"The Administration has been preparing for an aggressive war against Iran. There is no solid, direct evidence that Iran has the intention of attacking the United States or its allies.
"The US is a signatory to the UN Charter, a constituent treaty among the nations of the world. Article II, Section 4 of the UN Charter states, "all members shall refrain in their international relations from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state. . ." Even the threat of a war of aggression is illegal.
"Article VI of the US Constitution makes such treaties the Supreme Law of the Land. This Administration, has openly threatened aggression against Iran in violation of the US Constitution and the UN Charter.
"This week the House Appropriations committee removed language from the Iraq war funding bill requiring the Administration, under Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution, to seek permission before it launched an attack against Iran.
"Since war with Iran is an option of this Administration and since such war is patently illegal, then impeachment may well be the only remedy which remains to stop a war of aggression against Iran."