Goal: A Permanent Republican Majority by Reconstructuring the Government
http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2007/3/15/201837/219Part of Hunter's post:
As part of that small team of Bush advisors, Gonzales was made general gounsel to then-governor George Bush, then made Texas Secretary of State, then elevated to the Texas Supreme Court, then brought to the White House with Bush, then made U.S. Attorney General by Bush. Talk in the last years continued to put him as high on Bush's list for possible candidates to the U.S. Supreme Court. (Fellow inner circle member Miers, for her part, was nominated for SCOTUS in 2005 in a car wreck of a move by Bush.)
Gonzales is as much a part of Bush's innermost circle as Rove himself. And the appearance of all these most trusted, closest-to-Bush names as the major figures in this single White House/Department of Justice scandal? Not surprising at all, for those following their deeply partisan, patronage-based restructuring of the rest of government. This scandal goes to the heart of the ultraconservative method of governance: restructuring the very government itself into a political tool for defending and protecting a "permanent" Republican majority, by subverting both the laws and the prosecutors into conservative tools to be used against the other party.
http://www.dailykos.com/storyonly/2007/3/15/201837/219(((one way to do this of course, is to aim investigations of Hillary Clinton by the crony of rove....in Arkansas. They really believe Clinton will be the Dem nominee, so sneaking in rove's crony would insure that there would be manufactured sleaze against her.)))