Somewhere over the past year whilst screwing around on the web, I read an article about a woman who confirmed what I had suspected for a very long time. That is that these usurpers of power were using low level magic to stay in power and that the only way to overthrow them is through massive group focus of consciousness. It resonated with me deeply so I've been posting prayers and visualizations on various sites ever since.
At the bottom of this thread is a suggestion to visualize Nancy Pelosi speaking from behind a podium with the presidential seal on it and links to recent prayer threads. here's another visualization trick from last year. . .
2. Visualize the planet bathed in a regal violet-purple light at least
momentarily once daily.
(Violet-"Purple rain, purple""reign". . . : )
It can be that simple and easy for those who are unaccustomed to routine
visualization. For reasons I'll explain in far greater specificity in
a subsequent version, violet-purple rays of transmutational light will
gently wake up several sleeping souls and solve problems, ages old in
many places and will ameliorate even circumstances most dire. Focusing
on regions most conflicted (D.C., the MidEast, Iraq. the Gulf Coast ,
and the entire continent of Africa. . .etc) will help as well.
Red + Blue = Purple transmutational, spiritualizing light of unification
(For those of earthier orientations who unlike many spiritualists,
don't necessarily resonate with the violet-purple vibration, another
alternative suggested by a differing source would be to project a
vibrant green around the globe. That color will most likely hasten the
healing of our woefully damaged ecosystems and many sad and bleeding
hearts as well. )
K & R'd