Getting extremely unsettled with these phrases. Making no sense whatsoever, I constantly wonder why the 'intelligent' community of citizens keep drinking the Kool-Aid.
There is no war on terror. 'Terrorism' isn't an enemy that you can fight with guns and bombs. Terrorism is a 'condition', an 'idealogy', based in poverty and hopelessness, from peoples who have lost the ability to disagree and be heard. This is worse than fighting the war on drugs with our armed forces marching through the streets shooting and bombing everything in sight. If one wants to challenge the hopelessness that drives it, then go to the root of the problem and challenge it there. Oh...and leave your guns and bombs behind.
As the intent of the 'terrorist' is to terrorize, it would seem we have already lost. We are a people of shuddering, shaking and terrified people, who are living in constant fear of being attacked by some unknown phantom gunman carrying some kind of chemical agent, with the intent to kill us.. at every dark corner and every long dark ally. Our government feeds our terror and the media projects it. Our beautiful country, the land of the free...no longer. We are now a police state, controlled by the terrorists.
AKA, support the mission! Sorry, I dont' support either (while in Iraq). Our troops are now efficient killing machines that are returning with either twisted minds or twisted bodies (in most cases)There is no 'mission'..never has been, other than to kill everything and everyone in sight. How can they not??? The military machine needs oiled, badly. It's too bad they aren't allowed to have minds of their own, ideas of their own or even 'thoughts' of their own. I am a military brat and well understand how it all works. The families are always complicit. It would seem common sense and decency are checked at the door with your personal belongings..It's all a propoganda machine and anyone with their eyes open can see it...but there are few left..
Good, let em come! I would much prefer them here. RIDICULOUS... These people, so desperate and hopeless will be boarding planes, trains and camel convoys to get to the U.S., so they can attack us. Give me a break!!!
America was never fighting a War in Iraq. This was and IS a police action . We sent in 150K troops to take out one man and about 25 cabinet members. If the CIA had any 'intelligence' in the 'intelligence community', a team of 5 men could have done this. This was never about Saddam, other than to get him out of the way. It's about OIL people... and we're staying there to protect the oil! This constant drum beat about the 'War in Iraq' bites the big one!! We currently have over 150k troops there to do what????
This will continue... and the ugly inconvenient truth will continue to be the 1st casualty. As long as the sheep respond to the sheephearder, all goes along. Drink the Kool Aid and bite the bullet.