The Repubs have added an attack-a-Democrat feature to their website called "Meet the Dems." Ironically, their complaints about Edwards and Dodd just confirm what great candidates they are. Here's a sample: Meet John Edwards (D-NC) ... RUNNING TO THE FAR LEFT:
New York's Senior Senator, Charles Schumer Calls Edwards "Furthest To The Left." Sen. Schumer: "Right now, he is the candidate furthest to the left." (PBS's "The Charlie Rose Show," 2/1/07)
MSNBC's Tucker Carlson: "He Has Come Out With The Most Left-Wing Platform Of Any, I Think, Viable Democratic Contender In 30 Years. Are People Noticing This?" (MSNBC's "Tucker," 1/31/07)...
NBC's Tim Russert Said Edwards "Has Flanked To Hillary's Left." Russert: "On the other hand, John Edwards, who ran for vice president in 2004, David, has flanked to Hillary's left. He has said, 'I voted for the war, I was wrong. I apologize,' words that Hillary Clinton will not use. Secondly, he is saying t hat we should have an immediate withdrawal of 40 to 60,000 troops and people who are in the Senate and the House now should be considering ways to stop this war, perhaps through funding." (CNBC's "Tim Russert," 1/27/07)
Edwards' First Campaign Promise Was To Raise Taxes. NBC's Tim Russert: "Would you be willing to raise taxes in order to help pay for this?" Former Sen. Edwards: "Yes. We'll have to raise taxes. The only way you can pay for a health care plan from 90 -- that costs anywhere from $90 billion to $120 billion is there has to be revenue source." (NBC's "Meet The Press," 2/4/07)...
Edwards' Voting Record Was Already Liberal Enough; Matching Those Of Senators John Kerry, Ted Kennedy And Hillary Clinton... Edwards' Voting Record Received Liberal Ratings From Interest Groups And The National Journal:
In 2003, Edwards' Voting Record Earned Him The Title Of Fourth Most Liberal Member In The Senate. With a composite score of 94.5%, Edwards ranks above Sen. Kennedy (D-MA) and Sen. Boxer (D-CA) in liberal voting scores for 2003. (Richard E. Cohen, "How They Measured Up," The National Journal, 2/28/04)...
During Edwards' Six-Year Term, The National Right To Life Committee Consistently Gave Him The Lowest Possible Rating. (National Right To Life Committee Website, www.nrlc.org, Accessed 2/13/07)
Edwards Agreed With The AFL-CIO 97 Percent Of Time. (AFL-CIO Website, www.aflcio.org, Accessed 2/13/07) Meet Chris Dodd (D-CT) ... A New England Liberal
Dodd Supported By Nation's Most Liberal Activist Groups:
Liberal Group Americans For Democratic Action Gave Dodd A 100 Rating In 2004 And 2005. (Americans For Democratic Action Website, www.adaction.org, Accessed 8/23/06)
Dodd Received A Higher Ranking Than Massachusetts Senator Ted Kennedy In 2005. (Americans For Democratic Action Website, www.adaction.org, Accessed 8/23/06)
In 2004, Dodd Was Given Extraordinarily High Approval Ratings By Notoriously Liberal Organizations Based On His Voting Record For The 108th Congress. (Almanac Of American Politics 2006 Website, www.nationaljournal.com, Accessed 1/23/07)...
In 2006, Dodd Received A 100 Percent Approval Rating From NARAL. (National Abortion Rights Action League Website, www.prochoiceamerica.org, Accessed 2/15/07)...
Dodd Voted In Favor Of An Amendment That Would Affirm That The Supreme Court's Decision Legalizing Abortion In Roe V. Wade Was Correct And Should Not Be Overturned. (S. 3, CQ Vote # 48: Adopted 52-46: R 9-41; D 42-5; I 1-0, 3/12/03, Dodd Voted Yea)... In 2004, Dodd Voted For Higher Taxes For Increased Education Spending. (S. Con. Res. 95, CQ Vote #35: Rejected 46-52: R 0-51; D 45-1; I 1-0, 3/10/04, Dodd Voted Yea)...
In 2001, Dodd Voted To Reduce Bush Tax Cut By $448 Billion And Increase Education Spending By $224 Billion Over 10 Years. (H. Con. Res. 83, CQ Vote # 69: Adopted 53-47: R 4-46; D 49-1, 4/4/01, Dodd Voted Yea)... Dodd: "A Fool's Paradise Describes Nothing As Aptly As Our Iraq Policy Today." (Sen. Dodd, Prepared Remarks At Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing, Washington, D.C., 1/11/07)
Dodd Accuses Conservatives Of Creating A False Pretense For War. "The premise for that Iraq war was based on theories cooked up in the neoconservative salons of Washington; on falsehoods; and on deliberate misrepresentations at the highest levels of our government. The result was to create a false pretense for war." (Sen. Chris Dodd, Remarks At Providence College, Providence, RI, 10/12/06)...
Dodd Doles Out Blame. Dodd: "We've arrived at this moment with a series of misplaced priorities and wrongheaded decisions that has been almost mathematically perfect in its consistency. The projects of Iraq, Afghanistan, and the war on terror are all tainted with the litany of one bad choice after another." (Sen. Chris Dodd, Remarks At Providence College, Providence, RI, 10/12/06)...
Dodd Proposed A Bill To Prohibit Escalation By US Military Forces In Iraq. "I have introduced legislation today that will prohibit the number of troops in Iraq from exceeding the current force levels without an explicit authorization from Congress." (Sen. Chris Dodd, Congressional Record, 1/16/07, p. S601)
"Dodd ... Said He Wanted ... The Measure To Say Flatly That The Number Of Troops In Iraq 'May Not Exceed The Levels' In Place ...The Suggestion Failed, 15-6." (Anne Flaherty, "Senate Panel Votes Against Bush On Iraq," The Associated Press, 1/24/07) I WISH THEY WOULD DO A PROFILE ON DENNIS KUCINICH, TOO! Meanwhile . . . the Repub voters don't seem too thrilled with their own candidates, either: March 13 A new poll suggests U.S. Republican voters consider their party divided and are unhappy with the current candidates for the 2008 presidential nomination.
The poll of 1,362 adults -- including 698 Republicans -- found that just short of 6 in 10 Republicans polled are not satisfied with the current presidential contenders from their party, The New York Times reported Tuesday. By contrast, about 6 in 10 Democrats expressed satisfaction with their party's contenders.
The poll, which had margin of error of 3 percentage points for all respondents and 4 percentage points for Republicans alone, also found that 58 percent of Republicans value a candidate's flexibility about when to withdraw from Iraq over a commitment to stay until the conflict ends.... Among Republicans, 40 percent expect the White House to be lost to the Democrats in 2008, while 46 percent believe another Republican will be elected. Only 12 percent of Democrats polled said they expect Republicans to keep the presidency. http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/39787.htmlDemocrats Delighted with Choice of Clinton, Obama, Edwards
CBS and The New York Times just released a poll pointing to a likely Democrat win in 2008. ... But some astute Republicans are “giving the devil his due,” so to speak, realizing that the poll results, regardless of how painful, actually unwittingly shows what needs to be done for a Republican win. The poll showed an amazingly high 84 percent of Democratic Primary Voters believing they will see a Democrat President in 2008. This compares with only half of Republicans believing they will see a Republican moving into the Oval Office in 2009....
The poll clearly showed that GOP voters are not happy: A clear majority said they wish there were more choices.... This is the most broadly open field in over 50 years. The early front runners in polling (a.k.a. “Rudy McRomney”) do not take into account the process which winnows out candidates with fatal flaws if there are other candidates available. Given the wide field, the possibility for a brokered convention is as high as any in a century. The American people will watch a convention that actually decides something. http://www.theconservativevoice.com/article/23457.html