Looks like it was taken by Diana Walker at The UT Center for American History?
Center for American History at University of Texas
http://www.cah.utexas.edu/See also:
Photos at the CAH: An Increasingly Important Part of American History
One of the most rapidly expanding collections is the Media History Archives, which includes materials from individuals and institutions that have made significant contributions to American news media. Of course, that includes photojournalists, and the Center has been developing its photographic resources for the past 15 years through the donations of a number of journalists—including Dirck Halstead, David Hume Kennerly, Wally McNamee and Diana Walker. "We believe that photojournalism is a key component of the way news is seen and perceived in this country today," says Don Carleton, Director of the Center. "So we've really made an effort to get entire archives of work from photographers that we think are among the best."
The images in these collections are visual evidence of events, places and people that have shaped and defined the American experience. They preserve a rich social and cultural record that supports the study and interpretation of history. Over the years, a number of the photographs have grown significantly in importance—from a civil rights leader at the beginning of his crusade to a future president honoring an American hero and that same president embracing an intern (see photos at right). When these photos were taken, it would have been difficult to predict how time would turn them from ordinary to extraordinary.
For access to additional photographs and to purchase rights, contact Alison Beck at the Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin. Additional information can be found at
http://www.cah.utexas.edu/photojournalism/cah_mission.phpHere is what you're looking for
"Hear No Evil" Transcript
Diana Walker:
This is to show you that not everything is serious at the White House. This is one of those behind-the-scenes pictures that you could—you could never get this picture in an open photo op. It just would never happen. And I was on assignment photographing Secretary Albright just prior to her trip to Bosnia. And, the President and Mrs. Albright were in a holding room at the NATO conference. And I—in my book, I went back to talk to all the Presidents about these pictures and I said to President Clinton, "What—What was going on, I can't even, you know—What happened?" He said, "Well, we all were sitting next to each other and I looked at this line of us and I sort of said, "Gee, we look like those monkeys." And suddenly, you know, Cohen was doing "Hear no evil," I was doing "Speak no evil," and Madeline was doing "See no evil" and Sandy Berger at the National Security Advisors simply said, "Well, I guess that makes me just evil." So I took that picture, and you won't be surprised by the fact I said, "Well that's it. I can leave now."
(Audio excerpt from The Littlefield Society Symposium, March 28, 2003, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas)
http://www.cah.utexas.edu/photojournalism/transcript.php?media_id=95Scene from Path to 9-11 is not ‘fake but accurate’ as some suggest - VIDEO ADDED
Every time I see the below picture, my blood boils, because it’s a stark reminder of the Clinton administration’s approach to terrorism:
Hear no evil, speak no evil, see no evil, do nothing about evil
It’s about high time the Clinton adminstration finally took some significant heat for their failure to respond forcefully to the growing threat of OBL and AQ. I’m looking fwd to watching the docudrama, which, by the way airs on ABC Sunday and Monday at 8 pm Eastern Time.
Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil, See No Evil
Hawspipe shows a photo taken during the Clinton administration and points out that, if the administration involved had been Republican, we would all have seen this photo much sooner. One of those shown is Sandy "Papers in my Pants" Berger.
To reply, email texthepontificator at yahoo.com.
// posted by Tex the Pontificator @ 7/26/2004 04:46:57 PM Comment (0) | Trackback (0)
illegal codeHaloScanTB('109087859719644068');
And from RimJob-LandTo: CyberAnt
You are waiting for a Clinton appointee? This woman will get water when Sandy Berger is arrested.
Secretary of Defense Cohen, Impeached Bill Clinton, Albright, and long-accepted CODE-level thief
and document destroyer National Security Adviser Sandy Berger,
holding court in the Ronald Reagan Building on April 25, 1999
The Impeached Bill Clinton: "We were all making comments
we shouldn't have about how the meeting was getting very boring.
So finally we decided we had to make like the monkey. Cohen
started this 'hear no evil,' and then I was next so I spoke no evil,
then Madeleine saw no evil, so Sandy Berger said, 'I'm evil.'"
33 posted on 03/24/2005 4:04:30 PM PST by Diogenesis (Si vis pacem, para bellum)
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