Heard that on Olbermann, and decided to see where it came from.
Bruce Fein, a Washington lawyer who served in President Reagan's Justice Department, said the White House could attempt to hide behind executive privilege if Rove is subpoenaed, but that in his opinion it would not be justifiable.
"The hurdle is more traditional than constitutional," Fein said. "It's just been customary that the president's inner circle be shielded from the sort of oversight scrutiny that the Cabinet gets.... But the reasons that might have justified the original reluctance ... have disappeared. There isn't any constitutional problem in subpoenaing a White House official."
With Democratic Senate leaders calling for Gonzales' resignation--as is one Republican senator, John Sununu of New Hampshire--
Fein suggested that the attorney general's departure is inevitable."I think he will be compelled to resign," Fein said. "Bush is not going to push him over the cliff."
The flap over the firing of the federal prosecutors, he said, is only the latest in a series of problems at Justice, which include the FBI's failure to fully report the national security letters it issued to obtain citizens' records without warrants, prevention of an investigation into the National Security Agency's secret surveillance of people in the U.S. suspected of communicating with terrorists outside the country and acceding to the White House on many legal matters involved in the war against terrorism.
"He has lost all credibility and stature, both with the Congress and the American people," Fein said. "He's just been an echo chamber of the White House, and that is not the role of the Justice Department."
http://newsblogs.chicagotribune.com/news_theswamp/2007/03/rove_and_gonzal.htmlGo Bruce!!! Hope you're correct.