Alberto GonzalesImagine our surprise when The New York Times, in a recent editorial, used the word that BuzzFlash has been calling Alberto Gonzales for years: the Consigliere of the Bush Administration.
As we've noted before, Gonzales embodies the most fundamental criteria for appointment to office in the Bush Administration: loyalty. Forget competence or adherence to the rule of law, Gonzales is the one who got Bush out of jury duty when he was governor of Texas.
Why was that important? Because it allowed Bush to avoid answering a juror questionnaire that would have forced him to reveal his drunk driving conviction and perhaps other illicit activity.
Yeah, Bush and Gonzales go back a long way, as do Bush and Karl Rove and Bush and Harriet Miers (she of the short-lived Supreme Court nomination). They all have years and years of doing dirty work for George –- and that's what makes them such necessary street enforcers for Fredo.
Gonzales' office, which is after all allegedly our Department of Justice, mobbed up the U.S. Attorneys to become partisan hit men for the GOP. And the "revelation" was a pivotal symbolic moment, because it involved so many of the key Bush dirty work specialists: Gonzales, Miers, Rove, and more.
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