He started his program with some sound of Hagel's criticisms of the "surge" plans. Good comments, and welcome, regardless of motive. "Politics makes strange bedfellows" as the saying goes. But I thought it would help his listeners realize better who they were in bed with when Hagel showed up. (And some DUers also, hence this post.)
Following is the text of that letter:
100% Right-to-Lifer, 0% Planned Parenthood.
100% Christian Coalition
Human Rights Campaign 0%
American Land Rights Association 100%
American Wilderness Coalition 0%
Defenders of Wildlife 0%
And so on. Pure reich winger.
See vote-smart.org for the details:
http://www.vote-smart.org/voting_category.php?can_id=BC031069So he has consistently allied himself with all the major players on the right, but one very important group of players has recently discovered that they made a very big mistake in backing the PNACer's plan for world domination via military conquest.
Big Money bought (literally) the delusions of the neocon/Strauss/AIPAC group and put them into power with the expectation that the world's largest military could bring them truly unchallenged strategic power in the world by gaining control over the Middle East as a first step.
Well, reality showed itself, and the Baker group was formed to find a way to salvage the failed conquest. But Chimpy and his master Darth have refused to cooperate.
Once a backer of the invasion, now Hagel is putting himself forward as Corporate Imperialism's savior by siding with the the Baker-Hamilton Iraq Study Group and denouncing the "full steam ahead into the abyss" plans of the frat boys. This gives him the same set of backers that put those monsters into power in 2001. Be afraid.