US soldiers--as cannon fodder for their corporate resource wars. If she did, she would probably be part of a mob burning the White House to the ground. Credit to Cindy Sheehan, for reaching this realization, and remaining peaceful, and trying to change this circumstance of our government and our military having been hijacked by our corporate rulers and war profiteers.
A reminder: 56% of the American people opposed the war on Iraq, in Feb. '03, before the invasion. That would be a landslide in a presidential election (and probably was). We started out with majority opposition. This war should never have happened. Now it's up to about 75% opposed to the war. What kind of "mission" is it that the majority of the people, in a democracy, do not support? It is a false mission. A mission concocted by the minority. A fascist mission.
And knowing that--that 56% opposed it from the beginning--our corporate rulers concocted a means of creating a false endorsement for the war, by fast-tracking a fraudulent voting system all over the country, during the 2002 to 2004 period--electronic voting machines run on 'TRADE SECRET,' PROPRIETARY programming code, owned and controlled by rightwing Bushite corporations. And the Democratic leadership of that era colluded with the biggest crooks in the Anthrax Congress--Tom Delay and Bob Ney--to accomplish this hijacking of our election system, along with the hijacking of our government, to enforce the corporate agenda here at home, and to enforce the violent theft of resources abroad. This poor mother is suffering from the corruption of our Democratic leaders, as much as she is suffering from the Bushites' lies and murder of her son. We should think of her as a victim of the "Stockholm syndrome"--the tendency of kidnapping victims to identify with their kidnappers. It is pitiful.
Solution: We must restore majority rule--first of all by restoring transparent elections--vote counting that everyone can see and understand. As Thomas Jefferson believed, if a democracy is in good working order, the best ideas will rise to the top, and the worst will be discarded, and the best people will rise to positions of leadership, and the worst will be exposed and denied the power to harm the nation. We have suffered a fascist coup, in which the worst people have gained power, and the worst ideas are daily promulgated by the war profiteering corporate news monopolies. The solution is DEMOCRACY, in which the majority, in our collective wisdom, protects people like this woman and her son from the lies, the greed and the tyranny of fascist rule. We cannot heal her painful delusions. I suspect that, deep down, she feels that this "Crusade" in the Middle East is somehow saving western civilization. This may be why she feels that the rest of us--75% of her fellow and sister Americans--are "not that intelligent." We just don't get it--this "Crusade." We refuse to rally to the lying Pope and his edicts. But whatever her problem is--denial, identifying with her oppressors, or falling prey to demagogues--we must work hard to RESTORE democracy, so that future moms and their sons and daughters--future cannon fodder--cannot be victimized in this way.
It is one thing to be a warrior and to risk your life in defense of the weak, in a collectively decided and necessary war mission. It is quite another to be the bodies that powerful and greedy men throw at THEIR "enemies"--in this case, the innocent people of Iraq, who have every right to defend their country, their self-determination and their way of life against invasion. All you have to do is read about the foreign oil contracts that the puppet government of Iraq is going to sign to know what this is about--giving 70% of the oil profits to giant US and western oil corporations. To be a foot soldier in this effort is to be cannon fodder. It is not righteous. It is not good, in any way. It is to be used, and lied to. It is no more justified than Julius Caesar's conquest of Gaul, or Hitler's conquest of Europe It is a resource expedition--theft by mass murder. International law now forbids it. The Bushites have grossly violated international, as well as national, law--with the complicity of many Democratic leaders. If you could have asked a Roman mother, or German mother, was it worth the life of her son?, and she might well have said yes. She can't see out of the vortex of lies and greed in which her son was killed. War propaganda has too often overridden mother love--which some say is the most powerful force in the world--or it causes such confusion that women identify with the forces that are using and slaughtering their children. And this why democracy eventually succeeded, over all other forms of government--because it is the only one in which unjust warfare and imperial propaganda cannot succeed, if the democracy is working right. It protects the vulnerable. It protects the populace from bad ideas. It exposes the venal motives of bad leaders before they can do harm.
If our democracy was in good working order, this woman would never be suffering as she is. That is the failure--and it is a collective one. It is OUR failure.