you haven't read Quin Hillyer's piece at the Spectator, you may want to read it first. Here's the thing folks, the President needs to fire some people at Justice. There are two specific people: Paul McNulty and David Margolis. Margolis is the assistant to McNulty and Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty is the problem at Justice, along with a handful of Democrat careerists the President should have fired in 2001.
Let's be clear, no one is excited about Alberto Gonzales, but even a cursory reading of Jan Crawford Greenburg's book Supreme Conflict shows AGAG to not only be conservative, but also one of the people who kept, or at least tried to keep, the President from doing all sorts of dumb things -- including advising against the appointment of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court.
Paul McNulty, on the other hand, wants to be Attorney General. I've been told by several highly reliable people that it is McNulty's office that is now leaking like a sieve everything they can find to cast the blame at the White House and Alberto Gonzales. It is McNulty who smeared the reputations of the eight fired U.S. Attorneys. It is McNulty who most likely added Kevin Ryan, a very popular and very competent U.S. Attorney in San Francisco, to the list of the fired. And McNulty is being aided an abetted by several career Democrats at Justice who President Bush should have fired when he came into office.
Let me put this bluntly: there is a coup going on at the Department of Justice. It has been fostered by career Democrats the President should have fired, but did not. It has now picked up momentum by a less than competent Deputy AG who has decided he can shove out his boss in a series of leaks and take his boss's job.
The President needs to fire people. He needs to fire McNulty, Margolis, and the handful of career Democrats everyone in Washington knows are behind this mess. above post at Red State was written by Erik, I think one of the "owners" of the site. A commentator called ZeroDivisor sorta challenged him on the Dem part of his post:
"The Spectator article makes no mention of career Democrats. Could Erick possibly name some names so we know who these people are?
Also, I don't think Margolis is a political appointee. It may be hard to fire him, especially considering his reputation and long service at the DOJ."
Whereupon, Erik said, " Over time
I'll start getting those names out."
(( me -- wasn't McNulty one of the incompetents that testified??))