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excellent read on Obama

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Hamlette Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-17-07 01:19 PM
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excellent read on Obama

(disclaimer, I've not decided on anyone. I want to know more. This seems pretty balanced.)
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BeyondGeography Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-17-07 01:33 PM
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1. Good read, especially for those misguided folks who see Obama as substance-free
<But I do follow legislation, at least on some issues, and I have been surprised by how often Senator Obama turns up, sponsoring or co-sponsoring really good legislation on some topic that isn't wildly sexy, but does matter. His bills tend to have the following features: they are good and thoughtful bills that try to solve real problems; they are in general not terribly flashy; and they tend to focus on achieving solutions acceptable to all concerned, not by compromising on principle, but by genuinely trying to craft a solution that everyone can get behind.>

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Hamlette Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-17-07 02:34 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. agreed....unfortunately I fear they won't read it. n/t
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TheConstantGardener Donating Member (264 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-17-07 02:36 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. I see his votes as substance-free unfortunately
But I do have hope that he is a good anti-Hillary
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cooolandrew Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-17-07 02:45 PM
Response to Reply #1
4. Agreed, I am astounded at those who declare he has not said anything...
Edited on Sat Mar-17-07 02:45 PM by cooolandrew
... What I remember back in the Kerry campaign is that Kerry came across too elitist, the better tactic folks said was for Kerry to keep it simple. I have read what Obama has to offer and there is plenty of substance, he just makes sure that his message isn't over convoluted that he loses peoples attention. Obama has a lot fresh new ideas and hope he gets to implement them.
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never cry wolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-17-07 03:02 PM
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5. Thanks for the link, here's a snip of the article
Edited on Sat Mar-17-07 03:03 PM by never cry wolf
It often helps to keep a thread going to post a few graphs as some people will not click a link without knowing what is in it.

All that said, though, I can't imagine why we're talking about this stuff when we haven't even had the 2006 elections yet. There are a number of people I could imagine getting behind, and I'll decide which of them to go for when the election is closer, and the question a bit less hypothetical. But I do want to add one little data point while people are talking about him, because it's something I haven't seen people say. And it's this: a lot of people are going on about how Obama has not sponsored legislation on any of the Vital Issues Of The Day. Personally, I think that he'd have to be delusional to introduce, say, his own solution to the health insurance crisis: no bill on such a topic introduced by a freshman senator from the minority party would have a snowball's chance in hell of succeeding, and the only reason to introduce one would be to grandstand. For that reason, I think that his failure to do so tends to speak well of him.

(Besides, consider how many Senators must have been watching for any hint of self-importance when Obama arrived in the Senate, given the press he had coming in; how many of them would have had to have been waiting for any sign that he was thinking: here am I, the wondrous Barack Obama, ready to set the Senate straight! The fact that he seems to have disarmed most of them is, I think, an achievement in its own right; it would have been impossible had he introduced his own comprehensive anti-poverty program, or something.)

But I do follow legislation, at least on some issues, and I have been surprised by how often Senator Obama turns up, sponsoring or co-sponsoring really good legislation on some topic that isn't wildly sexy, but does matter. His bills tend to have the following features: they are good and thoughtful bills that try to solve real problems; they are in general not terribly flashy; and they tend to focus on achieving solutions acceptable to all concerned, not by compromising on principle, but by genuinely trying to craft a solution that everyone can get behind.

His legislation is often proposed with Republican co-sponsorship, which brings me to another point: he is bipartisan in a good way. According to me, bad bipartisanship is the kind practiced by Joe Lieberman. Bad bipartisans are so eager to establish credentials for moderation and reasonableness that they go out of their way to criticize their (supposed) ideological allies and praise their (supposed) opponents. They also compromise on principle, and when their opponents don't reciprocate, they compromise some more, until over time their positions become indistinguishable from those on the other side.

The author then goes on to list some of the bills Obama has sponsored and passed.
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never cry wolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-17-07 03:07 PM
Response to Original message
6. Another snippet
This isn't what Obama does. Obama tries to find people, both Democrats and Republicans, who actually care about a particular issue enough to try to get the policy right, and then he works with them. This does not involve compromising on principle. It does, however, involve preferring getting legislation passed to having a spectacular battle. (This is especially true when one is in the minority party, especially in this Senate: the chances that Obama's bills will actually become law increase dramatically when he has Republican co-sponsors.)

So my little data point is: while Obama has not proposed his Cosmic Plan for World Peace, he has proposed a lot of interesting legislation on important but undercovered topics. I can't remember another freshman Senator who so routinely pops up when I'm doing research on some non-sexy but important topic, and pops up because he has proposed something genuinely good. Since I think that American politics doesn't do nearly enough to reward people who take a patient, craftsmanlike attitude towards legislation, caring as much about fixing the parts that no one will notice until they go wrong as about the flashy parts, I wanted to say this. Specifics below the fold.
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never cry wolf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Mar-17-07 06:27 PM
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7. needs a kick, it IS a good read
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