Edited on Sat Mar-17-07 03:06 PM by SoCalDem
Look at the senate these days. Biden is playing to the cameras with all the bluster he can muster. ALL of them are.
Any legislation they propose is carefully crafted to "do no harm" to their own political aspirations.
They are OUT of the loop, off campaigning most of the time.
It's no accident that not ONE sitting senator has been elected since JFK.
#1. They have too many votes on controversial things ON THE RECORD
#2. Everything they say in the senate is on TAPE, and easily retrievable to be thrown back in their faces...minus any nuance
#3. The very act of choosing to run is a slap in the face to any people who dug deep and contributed to their campaigns for senate. These people expected them to represent their state's interests for SIX YEARS...not to be a springboard to a possible better "job", and to have their new senators chosen by a governor who may not even be in their political party
#4. Very few senators are willing/brave enough to quit their "day job", and probably most of them choose to run immediately after (if not before) they win their 6 year term... They end up bearing little personal risk. Their failed presidential run costs them little, personally. They lose, and go back to their senate seat, only now they will forever be the "failed presidential candiate, senator from..."
One hundred puffed-up egos in the senate is the norm, but this year we have some SUPER puffed egos, sparring with each other instead of working together to do OUR business..
How long would you last in YOUR job, if a month after you were hired, you spent 75% of your time at work, running around applying for a "better" job somewhere else?
I know it's not illegal, but it should be !
I think the fact that congresspeople only get 2 year terms is a reason why more of them do not run for president.. They are all too busy trying to scrape enough money together for their next 2 years, to plan a presidential campaign..and fund it :evilgrin: