This post is LOADED full of :sarcasm: Sort of.
For years religionists of many persuasions have argued that homosexuality was a choice made by people. And that they made this choice because they were weak and allowed Satan into their hearts to cause them to have these "immoral desires." However, in the face of more and more compelling scientific evidence which suggests that there may instead be a genetic predisposition for homosexuality, they're changing tactics and now trying to label this former sin as a disease. And not any disease, but a treatable one that can be addressed through hormone injections of pregnant mothers. They argue that like any other malady suffered by innocent babes, they have a moral responsibility to correct this problem (they always trot out the babies when they’re looking to sucker you into believing something – like stem cells. And because they’re so cute!!!). They say that this is no different than any other sin, disease where a fetus had a birth defect. Like say, autism.
But unlike autism, which impedes one’s ability to learn and brain to develop properly, homosexuals suffer only to the extent of the limitations of their own individual brain capacities. That is, there are smart homosexuals, and dumb ones too. Gregarious ones, and shy wallflowers. Swishy ones and closeted ones like Mark Foley, Ted Haggard, and most every other sexually repressed Republican. The only "deficiency" that homosexuality seems to exhibit is its noncompliance with the 5,000 to 6,000 year old beliefs that were held by a nomadic desert people whose religion has survived into present-day. These were the people who once stabbed little lambs and doves, and then burnt them on an altar to appease their jealous god. People who believed in witches, unicorns and sea monsters. Oh, and that the world was flat. They don’t talk about this part much. And they did it without hormone injections. Its a MIRACLE! But these are the believers who are now attempting to impose these tenets upon everyone else. Whether anyone else believes this shit, or not.
This is all very ironic given that before the development of medical science, when babies were born with deficiencies or when people suffered illnesses or death, it was then seen as "the will of god." We were told, "he moves in mysterious ways," when he killed the innocent and otherwise perfectly respectable folk. That explained away everything. All his atrocious acts of killing and suffering were just m-y-s-t-e-r-i-o-u-s. We’re not to question them. But given that homosexuality was never seen as the will of god by these believers but rather, the will of the devil, they are now arguing that it isn’t a sin. Not really. And that medical science can not only likely correct this sin, but eliminate it altogether. Which leads one to question whether or not other sins are likewise treatable.
Take George Bush for example. Its clear to many that he is a sociopath. Is sociopathy a genetic disease? Is it treatable? Would its successful treatment end politics as we know it today? And what about adultery? Now that’s a pretty BIG SIN with most religionists. At least for the one’s not committing it. So shouldn’t we devote the necessary resources to science toward finding a cure for this? It has among the various sins, the virtue of probably being the most prevalent of all the sins. So shouldn’t we try and eliminate the sins that affect the most people? Think of the happiness that would ensue. Divorce would become nonexistent. Of course everyone would also be limited to the missionary position during sex. Like Adam wanted.
Now I’m not sure what gene it is that causes the coveting of one’s neighbor’s possessions and asses and maidservants and such. We’ll call it the "greed gene." But I’m sure that with the proper insight, motivation and dedication, we can eliminate "ass coveting" if we put our minds to it. Think of it – we could accomplish so much:
* We’d get rid of all those other pesky gods that "other people" worship.
* The Vatican would be reduced to the size of a lemonade stand once all those "graven images" are gone.
* No more using the word "goddamn" (the lord’s name in vain - so say goodbye to standup comedy).
* No more lack of respect for, and better honoring of one’s parents (rock n’ roll - gone).
* We’d insure that everyone went to church, and no one would ever be allowed to work on Sundays again. (no more NFL???)
* And of course war would have to go since the sin of "killing" would be wiped out. (well at least we'd be rid of Halliburton)
* And the insurance companies would take a beating once thievery and deceit is genetically eliminated. (Not to mention the private prison industry).
* And the legal industry would be next since there wouldn’t be anymore bearing of false witness. (Not the innocent clients, I'm talking about the lawyers).
So you see, we can start with the Ten Commandments and go from there. Why the list is almost endless. And when we’re through, we’ll all be perfect. Just like Jesus. We won’t need to go to no stinkin’ heaven then. What would be the point? We’d already have a sort of heaven right here on earth with all the perfect people we’d create. And when you think about it, we’d be correcting god’s mistakes. He’s proven himself to be such a klutz when it comes to this creation shit. He created the first Eve (she calls herself Lillith now), and Adam complained to god because she refused to be a bottom for him (lord knows what else he wanted her to do, but you must remember that he learned all about sex from watching animals. Maybe he did more than just watch?) Anyway, so god turns ol’ Lillith into an evil spirit, destined to haunt little children with laughter in their sleep. Along with causing wet dreams among men and women for eternity.
And then, like Microsoft has done after him, god created a patch and we ended up with Eve 2.0. Even then, he still botched everything up by allowing his bad angels to escape from heaven and mate with earth women. The next thing you know all hell has broken loose and he’s forced to drown everybody like so many unwanted puppies or kittens and start all over again with Noah. Noah The Naked Wino.
But in the end, he still screwed this up as well. It seems that wherever and whenever you see god’s handiwork, death and destruction are sure to follow. If he were a contractor, they’d have taken his license away eons ago. So in the end, god is reduced to giving everyone the free "get out of hell" option. You remember – Jesus. The son he created to die for "our" imperfections that in fact are really HIS imperfections. Talk about living in denial. We just have to accept his son as the savior, and bingo we’re set for eternity. I mean we know we’re born imperfect. And we know that it isn’t even possible for us to achieve perfection. But Jesus takes care of that little problem for us. So what’s the big deal with the hormones????
Of course that doesn’t stop the preachers from still trying to make us perfect. Like with these hormone treatments. But again, what’s the point? If we’re already saved once we accept god’s son, and will get to go to heaven anyhow once we get our hands stamped as having "paid the price" then what's the need for injections??? I think that these folks just need to reconcile themselves to having gays in heaven. I don’t think they can stop it. Even if they can stop gayness in heaven with hormone injections, what about the ones already there?
The way I see it, they should just accept that this is just one more example of god’s creation screw-ups and leave it at that. Just like he screwed-up all the rest of us. Or was it the devil? Or god? Or the devil? Or god? Or the devil? Or god? Or the devil? Or god? Or the devil? Or god? Or the devil? Or god? Or the devil? Or god? Or the devil? Or god? Or the devil? Or god????