Edited on Sat Mar-17-07 07:47 PM by Pushed To The Left
It boggles my mind sometimes what this country sees as controversial. It goes to show that America has a LONG way to go. Here are some examples:
Consensual sex between adults. I would think that most people with even one quarter of a brain would agree that the government should not be dictating what consenting adults do with eachother in the privacy of their own home. However, when the Supreme Court eliminated the archaic "sodomy laws" in 2003, you would have thought that they had legalized murder by the reaction of the right wing. The push to stack the Courts with right wing activist justices began, and unfortunately Bush delivered. OVER CONSENSUAL SEX BETWEEN ADULTS! That's considered controversial enough in America to justify wrecking the Judicial branch. Simply amazing.
Medical marijuana. I can respect those who may be apprehensive about decriminalizing all drugs, even though my belief is that all of it should be treated as a health issue rather than a criminal one. However, how vicious does this country have to be to want to put a sick woman in prison for taking the medicine she needs? I applaud Bill Richardson for standing up for these people who are suffering both from illness and from a sick, twisted government who would rather let them suffer than go against the almighty drug war. But why is it considered a controversial stand to take by anybody with a heart and a brain? Hell, I even checked out a RW website, and lots of them actually support medical marijuana! Only the most heartless voters and politicians see this as controversial, yet it is considered "risky" for a politician to take a stand. It's controversial in America to LET A DYING WOMAN take her MEDICINE! What is wrong with this country?? I seriously think there should be some international and/or UN pressure on the whole Angel Raich medical marijuana situation, because that is a flagrant abuse of human rights that should not be tolerated.
Gay rights. Yes, giving a minority group equal rights is controversial in what's supposed to be a free country. Letting gay people openly serve in the military is considered controversial! So much for "supporting the troops". I guess who somebody sleeps with is more important than that person's willingness to put his or her life on the line to protect the country. And if a politician dares support letting gay people marry? It's considered political suicide. Giving all people equal treatment under the law is considered controversial enough to be political suicide. This country seriously needs help.
Hate crime legislation. Yes,those people that are supposed to be "tough on crime" become bleeding hearts when it comes to those who beat and murder people because of how they are born. "It's a thought crime!" they say. Bullshit. A thought crime would be if you were arrested for sitting around thinking bad thoughts about minority groups. It's a special circumstance. Is it a "thought crime" to give somebody extra time for laying in wait? or if the motive is robbery? Yet, if it protects unpopular minority groups, it's controversial! By the way, hate crimes protect all people. A Halloween attack on several white women by black youths was treated as a hate crime recently. Interestingly enough, I didn't hear anybody whining about it being a "thought crime" in that case! What makes me sick is how some "Christian" groups are against hate crime laws. How sick can you get? (Many good Christians can't stand these idiotic groups!) So, in America, it's controversial to treat a racially-motivated or sexual-orientation-motivated crime as a hate crime. Absolutely insane!
We are slowly making progress in this country, but we have so much further to go if these issues are still this controversial in 2007.