I remember my grandparents talking about how they were so devastated. They could not afford health care, often food was hard to come by in the early years. They had their home which they owned, but that was about it. They lived close by to stores in the neighborhood, and they managed to survive. They were luckier than some.
I was reading this chapter of Screwed about the middle class. The first paragraph sounds very much like today.
It is in pdf format.
http://www.mythical.net/screwed/screwed-ch-2.pdfThe Great Depression was the spark that lit the beginnings of America’s second era of a middle class. By 1929, after a series of massive tax cuts for the wealthy by two successive Republican
presidents, the chasm between the wealth of the “investor class”
and that of the working class in the United States was greater than it had ever been. (It again reached these dimensions—for only the
second time in U.S. history—in the autumn of 2005.) The result
was the October 1929 stock market crash and the Great Depression
that followed.
.."It took the leadership of President Roosevelt in the 1930s for
the government to again take a hand in creating a middle class, this
time via industrialized labor instead of land. FDR implemented
the two necessary economic ingredients—a classical economic
model and a government-spending stimulus—thereby almost
single-handedly creating the modern middle class.
..."FDR made sure that We the People had money in our pockets
through progressive taxation, Social Security, fair labor laws, the
regulation of business, and the vigorous enforcement of antitrust
laws. In 1935 he pushed through the Fair Labor Standards Act,
which set a minimum wage, and the National Labor Relations Act
(Wagner Act), which protected workers’ right to create a democratic
institution—a union that elected its own leadership—in the
feudal kingdoms of America’s workplaces. People like Mrs. Flores,
sewing Levi’s, were for the first time able to negotiate a living wage.
The next chapter is called The Rise of Corporatocracy. I am only picking a few paragraphs that jumped out at me. I remember Reagan causing the shutdown of the mental hospitals, and everyone was praising him for it. The media did not do its job then either, and we had a new homeless class.
http://www.mythical.net/screwed/screwed-ch-3.pdfConsider the biggest pocketbook pincher: health care. Many Americans are falling out of the middle class today because they can’t aff ord health insurance. One bad accident, one serious illness,one really big hospital bill, and that’s it—they can’t pay the
bills, so they lose their car and their home and tumble right out of
the middle class.
Back in my dad’s day, that wouldn’t have happened. Most
working people got health care through their employers. Th e big
health-care insurers—Blue Cross and Blue Shield—were nonprofits,
which meant that they just passed on the actual cost of health
insurance to employers. Th e government implemented Medicare
and Medicaid in the 1960s to take care of all the folks who weren’t
insured. Although the system worked imperfectly, overall it was
pretty decent.
But then Reagan deregulated hospitals and much of the rest
of the health-care industry (along with trucking, travel, and a
dozen other industries). Within a decade the system had fallen
apart for all but the wealthiest Americans. Hospitals, which had
been mainly nonprofit, became for-profit and started charging
higher rates. Drug companies realized they could raise prices as
high as they wanted because they had bought out their competitors in Reagan’s merger-and-acquisition mania and no longer have
government looking over their shoulders. Pharmaceutical companies
are now the most profi table business in the United States.
Insurance companies got into the act too, going from nonprofit to
for-profit. Every player in the system started looking to health care
to make a buck. The result was double-digit health-care inflation
rates by 2001.
A new class of homeless, many of them mentally ill, many of them Vietnam veterans.
And any progress that has been made is now being destroyed under this administration.
Here is the page with the free excerpts.