President, vice president must face inconvenient truth of war in Iraq
With former Vice President Al Gore winning an Oscar for the documentary “An Inconvenient Truth” on global warming, Vice President Dick Cheney last Friday before the annual Conservative Political Action Conference vied to steal Al’s thunder for a more convenient inconvenient truth for himself and President Bush saying: “The enemy we face in the war on terror has made Iraq the primary front in that war. To use a popular phrase this is an inconvenient truth.”
It is, indeed, an inconvenient truth, Mr. Vice President, but why is it that way? What makes an inconvenient truth inconvenient, as with Al Gore’s inconvenient truth about global warming, is the dire truth of the matter rests solely with ourselves, like the exposing, recently, of the inconvenient truth of Al Gore’s home energy bill.
Old Pogo, I believe, captures the essence of inconvenient truth in his immortal words: “We have met the enemy and he is us.”Mr. Vice President, isn’t it you and the president himself who are responsible for the virulent cultural reality found today in Iraq and throughout the Middle East by mind-sucking us into the place, by feigning on March 19, 2003, that we were left with no other alternative but to invade.
And going on five years now, our young troops have been made lightning rods for cultural enmity and global jihad.
Mr. Vice President, I wonder when will our nation face up to, at every inch of the bloody way, you’ve played right into the hands of our enemies, as if you’ve gone out of your way to nurse and grow the threat of radical Islam, seeming as if deliberately trying to poison this world with its fear and violence, so to create an environment that you could have yourselves a good old fling with Commander and Chief power.