Today we slogged through the mud for the duration of the march and the very unpleasant police force who refused to allow our Prince William Peacemakers bus to come in and pick us up. One of our number, a 22 year old girl, was traumatized by a police brutality act in front of her eyes (man struggling on the ground at the bridge site above the North Pentagon parking lot who was maced continuously). This brave young woman tried to bring this atrocity to the attention of the speakers on stage, but they just droned on and ignored her pleas for attention. The Virginia State Police were out there in droves and riot gear. It was overkill for a rather smaller crowd than was expected.
Along the route there was actually a presence from the Pro-War contingent. We spoke with a woman at Constitution Gardens who was denied access through the park areas (we didn't even try - some of the areas looked so intimidating we walked around and we had 17 with us, many males) but these were two middle aged ladies alone and they were hit and this lady showed us her wound on her leg where she was attacked for walking into a public park. The police did nothing to protect her.
This march was such a challenge to begin with. It was such a cold day and the grounds throughout were spongy and muddy. I have mud on my jeans up to my knees from walking, and probably ruined a pair of shoes because I wanted to demonstrate in black (Johhny Cash anti-Vietnam statement - I usually protest in black).
The pigs like those who attacked the women were stationed also at Arlington Cemetary. They insulted us by posting a sign near my family burial grounds that called us traitors. I almost lost it at that point. We buried my father on this date in 1993. Why do these people think they are the only ones to represent the veterans? My friends supported me.
A few of our numbers got to meet Cindy Shehan and had their pictures taken with her. One of our group, Duncan, has been a loyal follower of hers for a long time and has been protesting with her when she comes to our area.
Later when we went to the speeches (Answer always has loads of radical pant loads to drone on and on) We met a lovely couple from upper New York state. Their son Shannon is in Bagdad serving and they wanted to come out and protest against the war. I thanked them for their son's service and told them that their family is my family, since my brother who was a Vietnam vet. They are active in local peace and impeachment movements in their area. I remember from this why I was there and putting up with all this shit, its for Shannon, their son in Iraq.