"White House Counsel Fred F. Fielding spent much of last week on Capitol Hill trying to determine what Congress would insist on, officials said, but he gave no indication of what the administration was prepared to give."http://www.latimes.com/news/nationworld/nation/la-na-assess18mar18,1,1475447.story?page=2&track=rssIn a city where politics can devour even the savviest inside player, Mr. Fielding has been a survivor. As a young lawyer for President Richard M. Nixon, he escaped the fallout from Watergate, and he spent decades fending off speculation, later proven untrue, that he was the informant Deep Throat. As counsel to Reagan, he glided past the Iran-contra affair, whose participants purposely kept him in the dark. And he has developed a specialty in running ethics inquiries, including some into his own friends.
Mr. Fielding declined repeated requests to talk about his philosophy — a far cry from his Reagan days, when he granted an interview to The Washington Post...and joked in a New York Times interview that he was able to survive a White House staff replete with rivalries because “I have their F.B.I. files.”http://www.nytimes.com/2007/03/16/washington/16fielding.html?ex=1331697600&en=4679f6476a9ff12d&ei=5090&partner=rssuserland&emc=rss Ha ha. Funny guy. At least no one on the Hill's getting anthrax in the mail.