Adviser: "He Has Lost A Few Pounds...Hillary Can Read Into That What She Wants"
Newsweek | Eleanor Clift | Posted March 18, 2007 09:23 AM 26, 2007 issue - Since the documentary he starred in, "An Inconvenient Truth," won an Academy Award, speculation has only increased about Al Gore's potential entry into the presidential race. He is not taking any overt steps toward running, and that may be the cleverest strategy of all. A Democratic strategist sent Gore a memo sometime ago suggesting he announce, but forgo the traditional campaign trail and continue promoting the cause of global warming. He would be the nonpolitical candidate. Word came back: Gore isn't running. But in fact he is. Whether it results in an official run depends on what the field looks like six months from now. Laurie David, who helped bankroll Gore's film, and whose "personal fantasy" is that he run, says that when she presses him, he's always coy and says his cell phone is breaking up. "I believe him when he says he doesn't have any intention of running," David told NEWSWEEK. "But I also believe the door is not completely shut."
As part of his noncampaign, the former VP is returning this week to Capitol Hill for the first time since he left the White House to testify before the House and Senate about global warming. Gore will warn that the problem is accelerating so fast that any solution must be more than incremental. "The danger is they'll do some small fix that allows them to claim credit without facing up to the problem," says an adviser who did not want to be on the record seeming to disparage Congress.
Gore is also finishing a book that sure seems like a prelude to something. "The Assault on Reason," to be published in May, is about "the forces in society that are undermining democracy," says Roy Neel, Gore's chief of staff. The manuscript has gone through three rewrites in the past month because of new Bush administration scandals. Gore undoubtedly knows that he'd lose his iconic status the minute he got in the race. But Earth Day is coming up. Laurie David and Sheryl Crow will lead a college tour that will culminate with a rally in Washington. Perfect setting for a presidential announcement, but Gore won't be there. He'll be conducting a virtual reunion of the thousand "climate messengers" he has trained to carry on his crusade.