Friday was truly amazing.
Whilst Morford was inspired by the spirits of the minions of the ancient Mayans to ponder the possibility of sage-ing all of America, ( ) and similarly to us getting all excited a week and a half ago over a mere "guilty on four counts" for the vast and heinous criminality we've all had to endure over the past 6 loathe some years, the Wilson's stunning truths and honor were happily restored under oath after four long grueling years of deceit. Phew. Though the corporate media may consider it to be inconsequential and Faux is already refuting FACTS reported by both an honest woman under oath and the verification of the CIA, the tides are truly turning IMHO.
We've even got "the Donald" (can't believe I'm even quoting him) stating what has been obvious to anyone with a lick of sensibility from the get go. . . "it's all been lies." ( )
If anyone else is entirely fatigued with a government, for the corporations, of the corporations, and by the corporations, then maybe listen up, stop griping and start praying.
As we all know, the plethora and onslaught of "oligarchical hypnogoguery" has been thoroughly and mind numbingly nauseating,
yet I'm seeing change and wanting to breathe life into the flames of veracity to dispel all the BS ASAP.
Though I've said this before, I was told decades ago by a wise one that we would experience a second flood. . .it would be a flood of ideas.
Chief Seattle referred to this phenomenon 150 or so years ago, "When the talking wires come, that's when life ends, and survival begins."
It is finally lifting at long last. Aaand Phew. . . almost.
From the Libby verdict, to Valerie's scorchingly heartfelt testimony, to the curiously clear wisdom of "the Donald," to "Gonzolaws" being exposed as the disingenuous pResidential partisan hack and enabler of torture that he is. . . legalize sadism much. . .?. . ."Oh we get to keep our internal organs. . .?. . .oh goodie". . . that's compassionate conservatism in action for ya. . .aaand. . .guess what. . . ?
Though our fearful leader has said most inhumanely and in a cavalier tone, "Money trumps Peace." The reality is that Truth trumps Deceit. That is far more powerful over time and on that premise we can stand and live fully in absolute certainty.
This is all very simply, about flagrant deceit and total unaccountability.
Though this is not my fave style a wonderful older hippie sent it to me. This is more my style. . . are some cosmic weather patterns that are influencing the stark juxtaposition between our collective realities and our ideals and the fog of deception. This'll be operational until late June. 'Tis time to focus kiddies.
So given that we can not seem to "break on through" with our left brains alone, here is a suggestion for the weekly prayer. . .to engage and focus our collective hearts and minds. If you are spiritually lazy, just cut to the last line.
"In the spirit of the collective "We The Sentient Beings of Planet Earth" are creating transparency and accountability in our leadership. We are creating with spirit, restoration of truth and justice, as the true American wayyy. We are creating with spirit fairness in our elections. We are creating with spirit a lasting peace on Earth.
"rinse and repeat"
Consider checking out the overwhelming LOVE in this post. It drips off the screen. "the Donald" (Mr. "I'm having a great time" benefitting financially from globalization) projected that a furiously hateful leader would unite Iraq after our inevitable departure. He said adamantly "it'll not be a woman." My sparkled and feathered "cosmic and angelic sledge hammer" says it could be otherwise and begs to differ.
Not to be sexist or anything but patriarchal despotic leadership has only trapped too many souls in all too many ways for far too long.
A transitional leadership of these ladies would get them all to straighten out their acts in a heartbeat I swear. One's a Shia married to a Sunni. One of their funny kids calls himsel a "Sushi." The other woman is a Sunni. They are wise beyond words and love their country completely. They simply know far better than we. We are no longer honest brokers of anything whatsoever. / /
From last year's "19 tricks or Weapons of Massive Creation for Global Amelioration" a revisitation on issuing a purple alert from "we the people" to the government and an acknowledgement regarding a constitutional crisis. . .* doesn't pay attention to Congress or polls. . .TRANSLATION: he doesn't give a flying flop about the will of his constituents. And he's asking for "no strings." Sound reasonable. . .? Not to me. So go figure.
"2. Visualize the planet bathed in a regal violet-purple light at least
momentarily once daily.
(Violet-"Purple rain, purple""reign". . . : )
It can be that simple and easy for those who are unaccustomed to routine
visualization. For reasons I'll explain in far greater specificity in
a subsequent version, violet-purple rays of transmutational light will
gently wake up several sleeping souls and solve problems, ages old in
many places and will ameliorate even circumstances most dire. Focusing
on regions most conflicted (D.C., the MidEast, Iraq. the Gulf Coast ,
and the entire continent of Africa. . .etc) will help as well.
Blue + Red = Purple light of transmutational spiritual and unifying light.
(For those of earthier orientations who unlike many spiritualists,
don't necessarily resonate with the violet-purple vibration, another
alternative suggested by a differing source would be to project a
vibrant green around the globe. That color will most likely hasten the
healing of our woefully damaged ecosystems and many sad and bleeding
hearts as well. )"
links to other recent prayers and visualizations are here . . .it's inclusive of a visualization of Ms. Pelosi speaking behind a podium with the presidential seal on it. Dunno how it'll happen. Just know that it can. maybe if you're REALLY lazy, just chant "Ooga, Booga, Smooga, Wooga" = OBSW = "Oh Bull Shit W" Proceeds go to progressive causes.
We really don't need a foreign policy scripted by "Pinky and the Brain" any longer IMHO. Global domination is just so tiresome and never works for very long. It is predictably, historically, and inevitably undermined by its own hubris.
Have a happy eclipse. And a far clearer period to follow.