Iditarod disqualifies musher for abuseBy MARK THIESSEN, Associated Press Writer
34 minutes ago
ANCHORAGE, Alaska - Two-time runner-up Ramy Brooks was disqualified
from the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race for abusing his dogs.
The 38-year-old Brooks hit each of his 10 dogs with a trail marking
lathe, similar to a surveyor's stake, after two refused to get up and
continue running on an ice field, race marshal Mark Nordman told The
Associated Press from Nome on Sunday.
-snip-Witnesses reported the incident to race officials. It happened Tuesday
near Golovin, about 90 miles from the end of the 1,100-mile sled dog
race in Nome.
-snip-An animal rights group was upset about the incident because it came
when the dogs did not want to run.
"I'm sure they're exhausted and sick of the whole thing," said Lisa
Wathne, a spokeswoman for People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.
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