Past handling of "firings" or "resignations" have followed a pattern
1- Bush expresses confidence CHECK
2 - White House releases statements denying a pending firing or resignation CHECK
3 - Bush gives a press conference on some other subject, but questions usually focus on the person in question. Press conference is usually on a Tuesday or Wednesday.
4 - Bush responds "______ is doing a fabulous job"
5 - BREAKING NEWS: ________ resigns for "health reasons", "family considerations", or to "pursue a private sector job" (within a week of being praise for doing a fabulous job)
According to news articles - bush spent the weekend at Camp David. You can pretty much bet that in between his naps there were some discussions on how to handle Gonzales mess.
Tony Snow has already laid the buffer zone to protect bush by saying "Don't be dropping it at the President's door"
My guess is two more days of building up the buffer zone, followed by a press conference on something they can spin into "good news" by Wednesday this week.
Gonzales will be gone at the earliest by Friday, or at the latest - it will be breaking news by Monday 3/26