who are raping and pillaging, taking home $30M bonuses for running companies like Blackwater, Enron, Haliburton, sucking the treasury dry, say if we don't let them keep it all and fund the deficit that gives them those bonuses by borrowing from China, they will take their marbles and go to Dubai.
Well, kiddies, maybe, just maybe, the middle class does not actually NEED to have them. Maybe, just maybe, their "management" of their companies is pretty much like Bonnie and Clyde's "management" of banking.
Maybe Karl Marx had a friggin point!
The middle class has been under attack for several decades. Listen to the neocons spokesman limbaugh: "FDR is DEAD! Forget about him" They would dismantle every social program in existence, roll back the clock to medieval times, and enjoy their ultra-wealthy lifestyles in their castles, playing polo and riding to the hounds, while 98% of the population live in squalor. That is their vision. It is their goal. The sad irony is that they get the support of a big chunk of the people they have every intention of screwing by dangling catchphrases like "family values" and other shiny objects.
The whole argument for "tax and spending cuts" flew out the window when they started running up a tab we can't pay. Reagan did the same thing with "voodoo economics".
They do not give a crap about the survival of the United States as a country. Their vision is an elite class running the world, with US citizens, South Americans. Southeast Asians, ALL working in sweatshops.
The math just does not work.
What we desperately need is a simplified tax law with NO loopholes. Using "tax incentives" to bring about social engineering is wrong, and the conservatives should be violently opposed to it if they were true to their claimed agenda.
If the rich actually PAID the taxes; if big corporations actually PAID taxes, then we could talk about equitable rates. Bottom line though, the funds have to come from somewhere. They have chiosen to spend more than is available on a war of colonialism, and claim it is their right to fund it by cutting social programs, VA benefits, etc. WRONG! Fund it with taxes on oil companies and their high-paid executives! (over simplistic, perhaps, but still...)
If this war of aggression had been trumped up by some big companies who recruited mercenaries, bought bombs and bombers from Boeing, Raytheon, et al, funded it all with their own corporate profits, they would now be saying "oops, bad investment; pull the plug"