gist of Mdmc's OP.
I agree with Motocicleta that a quick US withdrawal can result in further chaos in Iraq, and potentially in the region, if it is done with the Bush Junta's typical ill intentions and disregard for diplomacy. Even just a half-way decent president could do it properly, however. Clearly, there needs to be a region-wide conference with UN involvement, tasked with stabilizing the Middle East--and including entities like Turkey, Greece, Russia, Italy and other EU countries (anyone in proximity), and possibly also China (big use of Iran oil). This problem MUST be turned over to the international community. The US owes reparations and full support to efforts to stabilize, but should butt out, as to troops, domination of the region, and theft of the region's oil wealth. And this of course should be combined with a domestic program to entirely convert to alternative energy in five years. (We can do it!)
The drain on the American people, on our armed forces, and on our treasury, of either a short term heightened conflict, or a future Mideast War (due to the chaos), is simply too much. We can't do EITHER, even if we wanted to. Bush has inflicted us with a TEN TRILLION DOLLAR DEFICIT! He has crippled our military--very nearly destroyed it. He's using our NATIONAL GUARD as combat troops, for godssakes! He has crippled U.S. intelligence agencies, almost beyond repair. He has crippled the economy. The MIDDLE CLASS can't pay its medical and education bills. Millions and millions of jobs have been outsourced. Our manufacturing capability is nearly gone. And that isn't even the half it. FEMA, destroyed. The EPA, destroyed. Government pensions and Social Security, looted (borrowed against). We are looking at DISASTER--at a crash bigger than '29. But this time, it may only hit us--the American people. The rest of the world is getting smart, and disengaging from the U.S. dollar, and U.S. domination.
The extent of the damage to the U.S. that the Bush Junta has done is incalculable--because we literally don't know yet how much of our treasury has been looted, and all the secret shit that they may have done, besides the obvious things. NOT TO MENTION, the torture, the secret prisons, etc., which has made our name mud throughout the world, so that we don't even have moral authority any more. People laugh ruefully when Bush touts freedom and democracy. It is A JOKE!
Further, the tyranny of the Bush Junta needs to be dealt with, and giving Bush and Cheney another $100 billion dollars to slaughter people in the Middle East, is not the right thing or the wise thing to do, in this circumstance. These criminals have spit on the U.S. Constitution. They have, indeed, ripped it to shreds--all in the name of a phony "war on terror" that should never have been anything other than a police matter, but which they TURNED INTO a real war UNNECESSARILY. And we're going to let them FINISH it, for their own nefarious purposes? That is not only nuts, it is a prescription for fascism and nazism. We MUST curtail them. The survival of our democracy depends upon it.
I'm rather sure that the war profiteers have a backup plan. We more than likely WILL have a Draft, and a widened Mideast War--under a Democrat (most likely Hillary). And we can fight that one out in '08, and, if we lose, fight it out for eight more years. Diebold/ES&S still control our elections including our primaries, never forget. And they will use their "trade secret" code to try to head off any truly peace-minded candidate from making it to the White House. Take from the poor and give to the war profiteers. That is the philosophy of both the Republican Party and the DLC, which is trying to reassert itself, through the sheer power of rich people's money, against the insurgent grass roots of the Democratic Party, who represent the majority of Americans. The outline of this struggle is very visible. And YOU might think that it is wise to have a Hillary in the White House, running a war in the Middle East, and draining an exhausted, fed up American people for that purpose, but I do not. I think it will destroy us--financially and in every other way. The country will come apart.
The Middle East is not our affair. It has been WRONGFUL policy all along to become dependent on Mideast oil. If Israel's existence and survival can be separated from that issue--and I think it can--then I would be in favor of supporting Israel's survival, because I think Israel has a very important cultural role to play in the Middle East (involving democratic ideas, and the equality of women, among other things). But this rightwing militaristic policy--which presumes that Israel cannot survive without the entire US military occupying the Middle East--must be abandoned. It is not viable. It threatens the entire planet.* Israel must learn to be at peace with its neighbors and to adhere to international law. And the US needs to return to a peacemaking role. It will be a long time before we recover our status as an "honest broker" in the Middle East, if ever. But, at the very least, we should be advocating peaceful solutions, and drawing down our forces in the Persian Gulf, which are an incendiary influence. And we should STOP supporting dictatorships in the Middle East. And, I'm sorry, but Iran is NOT a dictatorship. (Iran fled to the arms of the mullahs at OUR instigation, when we deliberately destroyed Iranian democracy in 1954, and inflicted the Iranian people with 25 years of torture and oppression under the horrible Shah of Iran. But Iran remains the most potentially progressive state among Israel's neighbors. (For one thing, they are NOT Arabs. For another, they have some democratic institutions (they are not ruled by kings and sultans), and a young population itching to modernize.) If they are PUSHED to defend themselves, they will. But if we STOP pushing them, and threatening them, there is every reason to believe that democratic pressures and trade will change them. Our policy toward Iran is nuts. And it is driven primarily by the Bush Junta's greed for oil, and by war profiteers on all sides, as well as by Israel's rightwing paranoia.)
My point is that we've taken the wrong, militaristic attitude toward the Middle East, for all the wrong reasons, and have created a disaster. We CANNOT solve that disaster with MORE disaster. We must take the difficult route of peace--or there will never BE peace!
*(Read Carl Sagan's "The Cold and the Dark," for a description of what even a limited use of nuclear weapons will do to earth's atmosphere. It will kill the planet.)