Senator Kerry has choosen to fight to end the disasterous Bush war in Iraq.
As Kerry says:
"The work isn’t over. Today I hope you’ll help me with another big mission.
35 years ago, I got into public life to end a war that was wrong. I believe now as strongly as I did then that it is wrong to ask more young Americans to die for anyone’s mistakes. And I believe that a Congress that shares responsibility for getting us into this war must bear responsibility for getting us out.
Americans went to the polls and voted for change in Iraq. They sent a strong and clear message to all of us, on both sides of the aisle, that they wanted real change in Iraq. They certainly did not vote for us to sit by while some national leaders actually advocate escalating the war and sending more American troops into the middle of an Iraqi civil war. We must stand for a change in Iraq, or we don't stand for anything at all.
This mission, this responsibility, is something all of us must accept. As someone who voted for the resolution that gave the president the authority to go to war, I feel the weight of a personal responsibility to act. "
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