We will never, ever, ever, at any point in our future, have a magic wand that will give us everything, or even most things, that we want. That's where you start. We now have some tools to work with, though, so we start out going for small victories. And we have a few. We've raised people's awareness of the situation in IRaq. We've used our position to debate a non-binding position statement saying we disagree with the troop surge. We've gotten the media to cover our side, and that's a huge victory we could not have accomplished before this year. We have made little corrections in Congressional methods to weaken the Republican ability to dictate law.
Further, we have taken control of committees and begun investigations which have put the Republicans on the defensive. Bush would not be on his heels over his AG if not for these investigations. No one in Congress would care what we think or know if we had not won in November. We have them in a defensive position, and that lets people see what they are up to. That lets people listen to their excuses and judge for themselves.
These investigations will lead to something. Maybe not impeachment, maybe not immediate withdrawal, maybe not even any meaningful indictments. But as of now, BushCo realizes it has to watch what it does, it has to at least try to hide its lies. That's progress. We've taken away their blank checks, even if we haven't taken away their full access to the checking account.
Little, incremental victories, like the non-binding resolution debate to make people aware of Iraq, like the investigations to put BushCo on its heals, like all this talk of impeachment--even if it never happens--makes people pay attention to our side, and it sways people (as the polls show), and it puts us in a better position to bargain, to get more little victories, to even win a few Republicans to our side on some issues.
We've got a lot more than we had last year. A Hell of a lot more. And we keep moving forward. Now isn't the time to give up and claim we lost. Now is the time to press our advantage, to turn it into a victory. Winning an election doesn't give us what we want, it just gives us more tools to get some of what we want. That's our work now. Continuing to change minds and find facts and move forward. Maybe we'll get lucky and uncover a true smoking gun and make it all easier. More than likely, though, we just need to keep working.
We haven't failed at anything. We haven't even finished stocking up for the fight. This is just the beginning of a new America, and anyone who tries to bring you down or convince you we have no chance should be slapped with a reality fish. We are a lot further along than we have been since 2001, and we have a great number of opportunities in front of us if we just keep working hard at it.