Or corporate profits. Or no-bid contracts. Or peace in the middle east. Or bringing freedom to an oppressed nation. Or revenge for 9/11.
It's about killing all the Muslims that don't convert to Christianity.
Witness this: (there are variations around the web. google "sneaky marines" to see.)
Ya got to love the Marines!
According to the radical mullah's and recent teachings in the Wadahi(sic) schools, the birthplace of the Taliban and a major recruitment source for al-Queda, if a muslim sees a naked woman?--- they are supposed to kill themselves or can't? go to heaven.
Whether true or not, you know it's good for the Marines' morale to play mind games with the enemy.
Another variation ended with: "If a muslim sees a naked woman --- they are supposed to kill themselves.
Ya gotta love the Marines!"
Unsaid but implied in that commentary is the superiority of Western religions (Judeo-Christianity) over Islam. I'm not posting this to smear Christians or the Marines. I know WHY Sneaky Marines is popular in some circles, hell I received this as an email today from a good friend. Americans have family members or friends in Iraq or Afghanistan, getting shot at by Muslims, and they want to take a small jab at our "enemies". I understand, but don't agree with, that line of thought. But I have also visited many RW web sites since this war has started. There are many people "out there", in that great wasteland of America, who want MUSLIMS dead. Not insurgents. Not Al Qaeda. (Well not exclusively them.) I mean, MUSLIMS. This goes way beyond Ann Coulter.
Now, if I were a young Muslim reading posts like Sneaky Marines (doesn't matter where: America, France, Iran, Egypt, etc) I would be just a little bit disturbed, maybe even
emboldened by it. Conservatives piss and moan about the left-wing media undermining our mission; well I highly doubt I will ever hear any of them condemn these photos or its commentary. Conservatives will have you believe Al Qaeda is watching Capitol Hill speeches on C-SPAN3 instead of surfing the Internet, forwarding each other evidence of the "Crusaders'" true motives. Honestly, if you were a young Muslim wouldn't you forward those photos all over the place, with some choice words about the "liberators" at the bottom?
I am also posting this as no great supporter of Islam. I am no moral relativist and I am extremely critical of what goes on in virtually every Islamic country. But I am not about to "mock" their religion or suggest that they should all be killed because I have issues with Sharia. My point is that "photo essays" such as Sneaky Marines can do WAY WAY WAY WAY WAY more damage to American troops and civilians than anything I've ever seen printed in the New York Times or Washington Post.
I see a few posts on DU about the anti-Muslim fervor creeping across this country. Given human nature it is almost to be expected. Consider this post just one more reminder, that our "friends across the aisle" can have a vastly different, and far more dangerous, world view than us.
Note -- I'm no expert on the Koran, but I have a sneaky suspicion that the bit about Muslims having to kill themselves if they see a naked woman is 100% false.