Edited on Fri Jan-26-07 09:38 AM by ck4829
Why is it that every time we want to do something to help the poor, the Republicans block it, saying that there needs to be a tax cut for wealthy people and corporations.
Case in point - Republicans blocked our minimum wage bill citing no tax break for the more well off
It's like every time we try to help the poor, they counter it with tax cuts for the rich so the status quo can remain the same, money won't change hands, and so the poor will stay poor, and the rich will stay rich.
So, that's why I came up with the 300% rule, we'll focus our tax code on the well-off, and every cut the Republicans propose, we will then counter with a tax cut that is is 300% more for people who earn less than $100,000 a year. I'm hoping that the lower classes won't have to pay any federal taxes, and it will be the equivalent of a social experiment the elites in our society don't want us to try, the opposite of trickle down, percolate up.