Whose dream is that; Gonzales? Miers?
The purge of the US Attorneys has Rove's bloody fingerprints all over it. Justice doesn't matter. Law enforcement doesn't matter. All that matters is destroying one's enemies, rewarding one's friends, and strengthening the one party system. That's it. It's even better if the friends are crooks. That just makes them easier to control.
The Democrats need to realize that the Bush administration's success relies heavily on key players who are indispensable to the smooth operation of the political machine. Rove is the main gear in the state apparatus. He is the brain-trust for Bush's oligarchy of racketeers.
Taking down Rove should be the Democrats' top priority. Ousting Miers or Gonzales achieves nothing. It is a waste of time. If you're gonna beat Bush, you gotta go after Rove.
That means issuing subpoenas, building a case, marching Rove to the dock, and grilling him until he cracks.