To those who feel let down that the newly elected Democrats haven't brought all the soldiers home and ended the war: I'm sorry you've been let down. I never thought anything would change but I've been around for a long long time. Society only really changes when enough radicals take to the streets, guilt-tripping the politicians in public. Very little really changes when it's just one set of Suits uprooting the other set of Suits. People don't like to hear it but Democrats are only a hair less crooked and conservative and war-mongering than Republicans. We just talk sweeter when we're running for office. We say things like, "it takes a village." "My house only uses 'good' light bulbs." "I was so confused when I voted FOR the war." "I'm sorry; I'm really really sorry." "We are doing the best we can." "Did you REALLY believe we would be able to change THAT?!" America is a business. That's what a country is. It makes money; it spends money; it consumes; it has a treasurer; it has everything any other business has except we call Bush POTUS not CEO. The Middle East is all about business contracts and oil. Rich Democrats make money off it the same as Rich Republicans do. I saw a special the other night on PBS. While our soldiers are fighting and dying and being forced to kill and the Iraqis are fighting and dying and being forced to kill, the business men are over there making billion dollar deals, signing contracts, shaking hands. The "re-building", the "setting up structure and training", "new bridges here, new bridges there" blah blah blah. It's business as usual and fun, fun, fun. You know how war improves the economy. So what if people are dying in droves. We all have to go some time. America is a company and it's run by business men. It's best to NEVER forget that. Which leads to, businesses are amoral, by definition, if they are successful. Even John Mackey of Whole Foods, was invested in South Africa until confronted and Whole Foods doesn't allow union organizing. ALL businesses are UGLY, to some degree and America is the biggest business of all. Humans are expendable. If you ever thought for one minute that government isn't just a Big Business and you didn't know that the Biggest Business Deal of All is a Nice Fat War, you were fooled. Democrats are just Hipper Suits but Suits, nonetheless. They get their money from the same trough the Republicans get their money from. Until THEY think we won't support THEM, they will always be Centrist and Revisionist and Compromising and Mealy-Mouth because they make bucks off the war and require the support of those who make bucks off the war, same as the Republicans do. THAT'S why OUR side needs to pressure OUR side as much as it needs to pressure the other side. That's why we need people confronting them and wearing pink tiaras and catching them with cameras and picketing in front of their houses and carrying signs at their workplaces, etc.. Without constant pressure on the Democrats, they will just keep cooing pretty sentiments at us but will slide right into that big ol' soft easy chair of money, power, corruption, greed, politics and war. Anyone who thinks there are Pure Politicians With Only Noble Thoughts, is a child. Politics NEED people like Cindy Sheehan, the Far Left, Pink People, Yippies and Hippies and the irreverent, those who treat NO ONE as sacrosanct. We need to guilt trip publicly and keep the politicians asses in line. Don't put them on a protected pedestal simply because they are Democrats. Anyone who treats ANY politician like a Holy Man, never to be questioned or confronted, should go find a less malignant Cult to join than The Cult of Politics.