This is exactly what some people ( sometimes known as "Hillary bashers" ) fear about a HRC campaign.
Almost before her victory speech had ended, the Democratic faithful began swooning at the possibility of "President Clinton, The Sequel."
Given the current mood in the country as expressed on that Nov. 2006 election night, Democrats do indeed have plenty of reasons to be optimistic about the chances of a Clinton redux in 2008.
But all is not lost for Republicans.
In fact, Hillary could turn out to be the GOP's new best friend.
and this
In this blockbuster special report, you'll find out why some of the smartest political minds in the business are predicting a GOP resurgence if Hillary becomes the Democratic nominee in 2008.
And why some of the top Democrats know it — and desperately want to dump Hillary from the '08 ticket.
Some political pundits think that short of another major terrorist attack on U.S. soil, nothing could do more to energize the Republican base than a "Billary" candidacy next time around