This dude is a former Dem congressman, of whom I did not keep track, and I clicked in process and missed the beginning.
But I LIKED how well spoken this JONES dude was and how he SHUT O'LOOFAH up, saying, "PLEASE let me finish..." two or three times. And O'LOOFAH *did* shut-the-cheenee-UP!!1
Anyway, what it was apparently about was the RACIST confederate flag. Apparently the former stars of Dukes, WOPAT/SCHNEIDER got banned in performing somewhere because of the flag in their former show.
JONES said that he himself is a lifelong member of the NAACP and (marched in Civil Rights demonstrations?), but that he didn't think this was fair, that he didn't approve of that flag as symbol for the Southern GOVERNMENT but that HE belives that (many?) Southerners TODAY display it as "a benign symbol of THEIR HERITAGE" and that he profoundly disagrees with whatever happened to WOPAT/SCHNEIDER.
For the record, MY view is that that flag is FOREVER a no-no under ALL circumstances, SAME as the swastika. I am AWARE that the flip-sided swastika has an ancient East Asian dimension. But I have had heard and disagreed with the SAME argument JONES is making over the flag that bikers have said over their swastika pins.
But this JONES dude did not give ANY QUARTER to O'LOOFAH--not that O'LOOFAH was arguing against the ban on the flag (which is what WE-or-I would need from somebody).
Minutemen/Nazi/slave flags: