The current administration is NOT conservative. Despite what some people think, Republicans are not necessarily our enemy.
I think we need to create a new name for the party that currently holds our country in its grips. There is very little, ultimately, that makes the current idiots in charge bear any real resemblance to the concept that was once called the GOP.
Proof: Conservatives are for fiscal responsibility, states' rights and small government.
We just KNOW that the idiots have broken all ties to these things--they allowed the FEDERAL government to choose the winner in the 2000 election; they have no where NEAR fiscal responsibility, and let's face it--they have an even bigger FEDERAL government than nearly any other in the past.
In addition, if you didn't lie on your resume, you don't belong to this administration, because lying is a prerequisite for being part of this group; if you stood for ANYTHING good in the past, you wouldn't know it any longer; and if you haven't got a fortune, you're the token poor guy.
This administration has nothing good that it stands for, nor will it ever. Since even now the lily-livered Dems refuse to push for impeachment, this administration will continue their rampant disintegration of everything real americans hold dear: freedom, free speech, ALL our civil rights, and the entire Constitution of this country. They have turned the U.S. into just another branch of Liars Anonymous, with long time members at the helm.
But no--it isn't true conservatism that occupies the whote house, because true Republicans who had even an inkling of this groups policies would have voted against them if they knew how terrible things would be. It is the mass media which propped up this group of losers and made them look good--this slimey bunch of fascists who had so many secret agendas going in that policy was written long before they actually got into office. Their evil has taken us down roads we should never have even known the names of, and has made the U.S. look like National Socialism all over again. The major difference is that Adolph Hitler had a brain, even though he was completely sociopathic. The idiot in charge of the U.S. right now owes much to his propaganda minister, Karl Rove, right now, seeing how Rove has managed to make the idiot look less idiotic than we know he really is.
But no--this isn't conservatism. And WE know it's not progressive or Democratic. Perhaps theocratic fascism sounds good? How about despotic theocracy? How about authoritative totalitarianism? There could be many names for what the past 6+ years have been, but conservatism isn't one of them.
The true Republicans who care about our country should join with the Democrats and help heal this country from the horror of the past 6+ years. We need to fight this regime now more than ever.
And while we are talking about this, let's also get rid of the influence of the radical religious right, the biggest hypocrites ever walking. HE is THEIR choice--let's remember--Clinton humbled our country getting a blow job in the white house, but Bush gets a free ride giving a blow job to every citizen of the U.S. And the fundies and other members of the RRR are twisting the nuts of each and every member of this administration, going joyously into orgasm as they continue to do so. THEY are part of the real opposition--the blasphemers who think that they are the only ones going to see their god--the one with the horns and tail, methinks.