Very astute observation by Rosa Brooks of Democracy Arsenal: Republicans: feeling a little unloved lately? Don't lose hope: Lonely Joe Lieberman's available, and he wants to be swept off his feet by a political party with a "strong and muscular" approach to foreign policy.
Hey, GOP, I think he's talking about you! Look, I know some people-- well, okay, a lot of people-- think you don't have a lot going on upstairs. But don't lose heart: there are those who like that in a political party!
- Seriously, folks: when are we going to stop treating US foreign policy as a chest-beating contest? With all due respect to our friends at ThinkProgress, we don't need to respond to Lieberman's coy little hints by insisting that "the current Democratic presidential candidates want to sharply reduce or eliminate the U.S. presence in Iraq. That is strong and muscular." That misses the point.
I'm as fond of "strong and muscular" as the next girl, but not as the measure of US foreign policy. To paraphrase Zbigniew Brzezinksi, we need to resist efforts to frame policy debates in terms of strong versus weak, or hard versus soft power: the real question is whether we're going to be smart, or stupid. I don't know about Joe, but I'll take smart over stupid any day of the week.