and just what kind of a role it plays in the GOP strategy? It's alive and well here in GA, courtesy of Senator Saxby Chambliss. We're all drowning in his hate and stupidity here.
The senate run off is Tuesday. Palin is here Monday to whip her fringe crueltards into a frenzy of misplaced victimhood and anger. Please read below and then donate five, ten dollars to Martin's campaign so we can GOTV. Let's show them that their politics of racial division aren't going to fly anymore. I'd LOVE to show this scumbag the door. Oh, wouldn't I...
“There was a high percentage of minority vote,” Chambliss told Alan Colmes on Fox a couple weeks ago, “but we weren’t able to get enough of our folks out on election day.”
“WE weren’t able to get enough of OUR folks out on election day.” Who is “we”? Who are “our folks”?
During the fall Senate campaign, Chambliss cautioned his followers that “the other folks” are voting. The senator added that the “rush to the polls by African-Americans” has “got our side energized early, they see what is happening.”
In Chambliss’ world it is “our side” vs. the African-Americans. Our folks vs. the minority vote. I am tired of Chambliss’ world. I am tired of racially divisive politics and the words that keep it alive. It was Gandhi who said, “Words become our deeds.” This country has had enough of those words, and those deeds. And this country has had enough of those who support them. This is not a chess game.