—–Original Message—–
From: Chiara, Margaret M. (USAMIW)
To: McNulty, Paul J
Sent: Sun Nov 05 15:13:03 2006
Subject: USA/WOMI
Paul: On November 3, Michael Elston conveyed professional shocking news. I had previously consulted him about the feasibility of a brief leave of absence to serve as the interim dean of the Michigan State University College of Law. (Note: MSU is interested in me only if I am the USA for WOMI.) Mr. Elston informed me that such a leave is only an option when the alternate service is within the federal government. He further informed me that I should expect contact from the White House requesting my resignation as USA shortly after the November 7 elections.
He could offer no explanation other than that I erroneously assumed that good service guaranteed longevity because other USAs have been asked for their resignation without cause. In my case the service has exemplary in a difficult district in addition to being an active contributor since appointment on 3 of the A.G.’s subcommittees. While I live in hope that this dire prediction is untrue, I am contacting you because I need assistance to remain in federal service with a comparable compensation or, quite frankly, I will lose everything that I have been working toward for the past five years. My chronology will not allow me to recoup from such an unanticipated financial catastrophe. I trust that I can count on you to intervene or provide an alternative. Margaret
http://www.tpmmuckraker.com/archives/002809.php#commentsThese were peoples lives, their careers, their livelihoods and they were thrown under the bus for a greedy power grab. Republicans should be pissed off and scared because it has become far to evident that the only thing this administration cares about is their own political and financial gain.