(and it probably is the "same" for the heads of John Deere, International Harvester, Dubuque Pack, on-and-on......my blood runs cold when I think how this country has been 'compromised' by supposed leaders who NEVER LEARNED to not trust those "smiling faces"....who give you the "pat on the back" and "lie to your face".
Didn't these supposed "leader's" have mothers and fathers who taught them to beware of this stuff?
Here's the resume. John Swearigen (just an example0:
In 1984, a year after his retirement from Amoco, Swearingen was named chairman of the board of directors and chief executive officer of Continental Illinois Corporation after the Continental Illinois Bank failed and was taken over by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
He retired as an officer of Continental in 1987 but not before persuading the vice chairman of Citicorp—six times larger than Continental—to take his place. At the time, the Chicago Tribune wrote, "In landing one of the nation's most savvy banking leaders to succeed him, John E. Swearingen may be leaving one of his greatest legacies to the city." Swearingen retired as a Continental board member in 1989.